Chapter 12

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👰🎻My Crazy
House Help🎻👰
🎤(She defiled me)

Sophia’s POV..
My mouth went agape, I was just too shocked to even say a word, my legs melt under me as I stared at them..
Did Bryan just did this?
How could he??
Oh God!!..
Could he love Rose this much that he couldn’t hurt her a bit?
My plan was to make him leave him by hurting her feelings, in had thought he was very concerned about my father knowledge of Rose, I thought he agreed to comply not until he did what he just did,
I wasn’t only shocked, shame too filled me, the student saw and heard it all,
I had known Bryan for so long, I know he finds it so hard to jilt or hurt a lady he loves, he can’t make her cry for any reason..
He is that type that loves much more in a relationship, no matter how the lady he loves treat him bad, he would still love her so much..
When he was in love with me, I broke his heart regularly but yet he still loves me…
It just surprises me that he had fallen so deeply for Rose at this short period of time,
Well,I won’t let them together, my dad want me to marry him so he could avenge my mom’s death, I can’t disrupt his plan..
Its clear that I’d divorce him later on, I just have to help my father who is the only one I got now..
I looked around and saw the shocking student staring at us they wondered what was happening, it made me feel more same, i felt like I was slapped..
What Bryan did now made me look like a desperate girlfriend, the student were yet to ascertain whether we are truly back together, how would Bryan do what he just did now?..
What does he take me for??
A joker??
I’m sorry for him because he is yet to understand who I am..
I just feel sorry for Rose who would have to pass through oppression because of Bryan, she would surely suffer in the hand of my dad considering the fact that she is poor and has no power..
“Why are you still staring at us, you can find a seat please, I don’t feel comfortable with you standing in front of me that way!” Bryan seethed with a deep frown making me smirk..
“And you think I would let all this slide?” I asked glancing at Rose who was all gloomy as she stared at the ground..
“Stop all this and let’s talk later, we both know each other, do you really expect me to hurt her? wanted me to shatter her heart, aren’t you aware how much I love her??” He said with emotions..
“It’s all useless, stop trying to change fate! can’t!!..we both know this relationship of yours won’t work!..well, I can still forget all that you just did if only you would send her away now!” I snorted and that made Rose raise her head and stared at me.
“Sophia!!” She called out with a strong time which I didn’t expect from her,
She really looked different..
“Why are you calling my name??” I asked with a sneer..
“Try to ask of Anne, ask the student how she ended when trying to break us! don’t look like a bad girl to me..I just wonder why you are acting this way..I may look weak to you but I am not, stop hurting me!” She said sternly..
“Hmm, you are suddenly being too confident, can you try thinking of your poor life, who are you truly??..nothing!..define yourself…” I sneered
“Stop those hurtful words or I would be forced to slap you!!” Bryan gritted fuming hardly..
👥Is she a poor girl??..
👥I thought she said she is a politician daughter?”
👥Was Anne right??”
The student murmured..
“Huh?? told them that you are a politician daughter??!” I laughed and she bend her head over the desk..
“Just look at the once sensible Sophia, the girl I loved because she was matured and had self respect, just look at how she is acting now..Gosh!..why hurting an innocent girl for nothing, you don’t love me yet you want to shatter my life just as your dad wanted..I just wonder how our marriage life would be??..don’t be so surprise if I still date Rose even after marrying you!” Bryan spited and wrapped his arm round Rose..
“I’m sorry for putting you into this??…I wish I can find a way to..stop her, I wish I can hit her so she would stop, why would I watch you cry without doing anything??..I’m cruel, I hate myself for this..I..”
“Stop!!” Rose spoke out immediately pushing back his words..
“Who said you are cruel??..Bryan, is there any man like you in this world??..can’t you see that you are the best, I am the most lucky woman to have you..I don’t mind what is happening now, I just believe that you would always love me and that alone makes me so happy, thanks for being with me..” She purred and held his chin..
“This may be my last kiss with you, just let me kiss you now that my heart is heavy..” She added and smiled out tears before kissing Bryan right in front of everyone..
Her hand was over his neck while he held her waist, they were really kissing like lovers with their eyes closed..
A deep sigh escaped my lips, that moment I felt like a cruel human, I felt bad about myself, it was too obvious that they are in love, why on earth does my dad want me and Bryan to be together??
Is that the only way to take revenge??
I need to tell him about Bryan’s new lover but I’m afraid he would surely separate them..
One thing I don’t actually understand is why I feels this tingling feeling of hurt and guilt seeing Rose seeing Rose cry..
I shouldn’t have pity on her, she is an obstacle who wants to shatter my dad’s plan..
They finally broke the kiss and Rose turned to me..
“Should I leave the seat for you??..I can leave if you say it to me now!..” She said with a deep breath and I walked away without giving her a reply..
“I couldn’t tell her to leave or stay anymore, I was even a little afraid to look at her eyes to avoid that tingling feeling which I don’t understand…
I went to a seat with two boys seating on it..
They both stood up in shock as I sat with them..
” what is it?” I asked staring at them as they shivered a little..
“There is a free seat over there, we aren’t worthy to sit with you..” One of them said and I rolled my eyes..
“Suit your self!” I muttered bringing out my phone,
I need to message Austin, I’m really missing him..
The boys stood for some minute before sitting back giving spaces between me and them..
Bryan’s POV..
“She allowed me to sit with you, I think something is wrong, someone or something must be having influence on her” Rose mumbled..
“I also thought so, its her dad, he said something to her and that changed her attitude, I think we need to convince her..” I said glancing at Sophia as she smiled at her phone..
“Why did you wanted to send me away then??..what did she say to you that caused that?” She asked and I breathed heavily..
“Xavier her dad is yet to know about us, we won’t be safe if he knows, she threatened to tell him..” I replied and she sighed..
“Let him know and let’s do this once and for all, we can all fight him than to be enslaved by him..” She muttered making me smile.
“Oh yes, Rose I just want you to know one thing before anything happens, just know that my love for you would never have any breach, no matter what??..I would be with you, if he would kill you, then, I would die with you I swear!!” I purred bringing out a sweet smile from her..
“Let’s meet my mother, she has to also stop being controlled by Sophia dad, we can all bring that devil down, how on earth would he be this manipulative?..let’s not allow him control our lives!” She said and I hugged her without even knowing when..
I’m just too happy that I bless the day I met her, I don’t know much about fate but I know well that we can’t do without each other, that must be fate..
Nothing can break us!!.
“I would also reset my father’s brain, he must stop being timid, let’s do this together..” I smiled and she nodded holding my palm..
I made to talk before Jace started clapping..
“What is it??” We asked in unison..
“You guys had succeeded in making me almost cry in emotion, now I see love, pure love!!..I’m also in, as Bryan’s buddy and rose friend, let’s fight together!” He said and a smile escaped my lips..
Just then, a teacher stepped in..
Jace walked back to his seat as we settled for lesson which I wasn’t even listening to..
My mind wandered in thoughts,
I’m sure there is much I don’t know about Xavier..
Well, he would have to fight me, I would fight with all I have, all I know is that..i would not and never marry Sophia..
His plan won’t work!! dad doesn’t know Xavier has an interior motive for wanting me to marry Sophia, I am not that timid,
I’m sure he would pull a shocking stunt after the marriage, who knows if he wants to destroy my father’s life??..who knows what he really wants to do..
Well, I won’t let it happen!!..
After several lessons, the school bell rang for break..
Without even wasting a second, Sophia walked up to me with a deep frown.
“Bryan!..” Sophia called making me look up to her..
“What is it?” I asked
“The school press are out there waiting for us, they has few questions to ask about our relationship!!..its time to make the world know we are back together..” She said with a little smile making me cringe at her words..
I sneered at her before glancing at Rose..
“We are not back together and can never be..what are you even saying?!” He snorted and she let out a short laughter..
“Fine…I just hope you are ready for this, she would now have to suffer for you..a poor girl would have to pass through pain because of your selfishness!!..f*ck!!” She growled and brought out her phone..
“What do you want to do??” I asked but got no reply..
“Well, I don’t think its necessary calling my dad, I can handle you by myself, its just better you stay away from him or I would destroy your life!” She gritted to Rose before stomping away..
Jace’s POV..
Bryan and Rose left for break while I stayed back, I just couldn’t go with the someone kept filling my memories,
She would be starting school here after the weekend but it just seemed like eternity to me, I can’t just wait, I wish she would come now, I need to see her once again,
My face was buried into my palm as I thought of her,
Just at that moment, someone tapped me..
I looked up and was shocked to see Clara standing in front of me, a wide smile escaped my lips as I quickly held her hand..
“Where is Bryan and Rose?” She asked..
“They are out for break, I just feel lonely without you, thank God, you came now, let’s go out together then” I smiled..
“I’m here to see Rose, I have something to tell her..” She said and I nodded
“Okay, then, let’s go and meet them!” I grinned and fondled her soft palm..
We both walked out attracted the stares of the student especially females, Angela who had been crushing on me couldn’t even say a word as she saw us, she just stared dumbly..
My face was just covered with smiles, the feeling was so exciting, I can’t wait to make her mine,
Well, just like Bryan, she would love with me layer, I can’t bear not seeing her for a long time..I pray she agrees😁
We reached the cafeteria where Rose and bear was eating and really found it hard to pass through the crowd that surrounded them..
They kept taking shot and asking about Sophia, the press couldn’t even get any answer as Bryan choose to snub them..
As I got there, they faced me immediately..
🎙is Bryan dating Rose or Sophia?
🎙I thought they were seen together this morning??
What happened??..pls as his pal, you should know, tell us!..
“You all should leave..he will tell you everything soon!” I said and they turned their gaze to Clara..
“Who is she??”
“Is he his girlfriend??”
“Are they dating?”
They kept murmuring…
“Stop all this and leave!!!..she is my girlfriend and her name is Clara, do well to post it on the school board” I smiled making Clara cover her face in shy..
“Rose..I have something to tell you” she said the student departed..
“We all stared at her in anticipation..”
“What is it dear?”
“I don’t know if your mother is safe anymore, a car took her away today, she told me she was going to meet a man called George, I just don’t think all is well..” She said and we all glanced at each other..
“Why do you think all isn’t well?” Bryan asked..
“Before she was taken away, I happened to be heading to her house, I saw one of the men who would pick, he was on a call, I heard what he said, although it wasn’t so clear but he mentions luring her into the hand of a man he called Xavier!” She said and Bryan jolted up in shock, Rose shivered…
Bryan quickly called his father…
“Dad!!!..where is Lisa!!” He yelled.
“Lisa?? would I know??” We heard his voice..
“You don’t know??..but you sent men to bring her, she said she is going to meet you..”Bryan shouted again..
” I’m surprise at your word, I never sent anyone to bring her..” He replied leaving us shocked..
“Oh no!!!” Rose screamed and dashed out with Bryan following..
“Let’s go!” I said..
Lisa’s POV..
I was happy that George finally decided to meet me, I cant just stop smiling,
“Hey, are you Lisa?” One of the men asked and I nodded..
“Yeah, I am…” I replied and they glanced at themselves with a little smirk..
“Why did you allow Rose your daughter to be with Bryan again?..” He asked and pulled off his dark glass
My eyes popped out as I shivered seeing who he was, this was the same man who injected my daughter with the substance that caused her memory loss that night with Xavier..
How didn’t I recognize him???
“I hope you would be glad to meet Xavier again, you shouldn’t have went to meet George, you shouldn’t have allowed Rose meet Bryan again, you should have stayed low and hidden, now Xavier would get to meet you again, I just pray you get out alive..” He said leaving me terrified..
My head was pounding hardly..
“He ordered us to bring the mother of the girl Rose who had been an obstacle to his daughter only for her mother to be you Lisa, I just wonder what would be your fate when he finds out…” He said and my whole body freeze..
I felt like I would faint, my worst nightmare was really coming to reality, Xavier is that man I won’t want to have anything to do with again..
I can’t believe I’m going to meet him again…
Oh God!

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