Chapter 19

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👰🎻My Crazy
House Help🎻👰
🎤(She defiled me)🎤

Lara’s POV..
It has been some months and I hadn’t got to see my son Fred, although he had explained why he was out but still yet, I wanted him back so badly, being my only son, never want to lose him, we love him more than ourselves, this would be his first time of staying out of home this long and it all happened after getting to meet that girl Rose..
Day and night I long for his return, I would keep having illusion of him walking into the house with those smiles..
He had kept me and his father safeguarded, according to him, there are enemies after out lives, he explained to us the reason we lost our memory..although I can’t remember but it sounded real..
With his warning, I and his father never dared to step out, he had even forced us to make a promise..
Although, I really want to go out and find him, I still won’t risk my life,
Slowly, I slumped on the couch with a deep sigh,
He had been the one providing all we need and I can’t help but wonder how he got the money, I can’t call him on phone because he cut off all connections..

A lot of Short Stories Here

Just then, Dan his my husband walked out of the room yawning and stretching his body..
“So are you still brooding over Fred?” He asked exhaling..
“How are we sure he is alright??..who would inform us if things go wrong with him??” I asked disturbed.
“We just have to wait..he would surely return!” He sighed and I hissed..
“Till when please??..we should check on him, how can we allow him take it all on himself alone!” I whined with a deep frown.
I just wonder who this Xavier he was talking about is…” Dan breathed resting his head on the headrest of the couch..
I picked up the remote and switched on the TV, that was the only water get to see outside the world, that is the only connection we got…
The daily News began and we watched with less enthusiasm,
The only news we long for is the death of this strange Xavier or the return of my son but none seem to be forth coming all this month.
A headline appeared on the screen leaving our eyes dilating as we stared keenly in anxiousness..
📺The plane left off from south Korea and got the crash amid air, some of the passengers were charred while few had their body part remaining, some of them could be identified…
The names of the known passengers are..
Delvis Marcos
Carl Winston
Frederic Shan..
The remote set dropped off instantly as I heard the name just mentioned..
Did I hear Fred or what???
My breath went faster, I glance at Dan who also turned his gaze to me sharply..
“Fred our son was among the victim!!!!!” I screamed and sprawled on the floor in anguish and pain, I couldn’t stop the hot tears that forced out as I cried and wailed…
Dan groaned deeply burying his face in his palm as he sobbed in deep pain…
“Why would our son die like that!!!!!” I screamed and rolled in pain which lingered in my heart..
Words can’t explain my feelings now, I felt totally empty..I wished I was the one who died…
With speed of lightning, I rushed to the door, I’m leaving here to find him, I can never believe he is dead..
“Lara!!..don’t risk your life by leaving here!!!” Dan breathed..
“Fred kept us here to be safe while he took his own life, what is the gain of being alive here??..!!” I bawled and pushed the door open..
“Lara!!” He called and held me..
“Don’t you think this may be a trap??” He asked making me stare at him..
“What do you mean?” I asked and he sighed shutting his eyes..
“I don’t know but I….” Just then, his phone rang..
He brought it out and we glanced at the screen, it was an unsaved number..
He clicked on the green button and a voice came in..
“You must be the parent of the dying Fred right??..come over to the hospital where he is through the address I would send to you right now!!” We heard the voice sounded and I breathed heavily..
Fred is still alive at least,
The address was sent and none of us remembered Fred word of staying indoor, we rushed out in a haste even without locking back the door..
Seeing our son was what we wanted at the moment and not some random indoor for safety…
Stallion’s POV..
My eyes was going dimmer as my stomach grumbled continuously.
I was very weak out of hunger and thirst,after Jace had met with me the last time, he never came again or even sent any food to me..
I was really dying of hunger, Xavier had promised to always save me, it has been some days and I haven’t notice any of his attempt to rescue me..
I had decided to tell Jace a little so as to buy some time, Xavier should surely save me with the help of the governor as a reward of being ever loyal to him…
I had a strong belief that he would finally come and save me but right now, I feels so skeptical, what if he had dumped me off…
The hunger was ripping me off, I don’t think I would survive one more night of hunger…
Just then, the door creak open and I looked up seeing Jace with a plate of food..
My mouth went watery immediately, I didn’t even know when I made to grab it only to be restricted by the bound holding me back..
I grunt and kept my gaze on the food with my stomach grumbling much more than ever.
Jace smirked and took a seat, he sat in front of me and dropped the food a metre away..
“Jace…are you planning to taunt me to death??” I asked breathing heavily..
“I’m planning more than that, after some research, I found out your reason for being ever loyal to Xavier, there is some one who badly needs your help…” He said with a short laugh..
I arched my brow surprisedly..
“Your love for her would never fade away but I can turn it all into a nightmare, I would kill her!” He gruffed leaving my heart skipping as my eyes widen in great shock…
She is my life and everything I got left in the world, she is just the love of my life and I’m doing everything to keep her alive..
It has been some years now and I won’t stop paying for her health treatment, she got an ailment which refused to be cured, each time of is treated it would regenerate…
I loved her so much that I was ready to serve Xavier to the end so I would get the fund to treat her…
The doctor had gave me hope of her getting well again, with what jace said now, I don’t think I would survive seeing her dead after all the sacrifice..
“Do you know who Jane is?” I asked and he chuckled..
“You prefer killing innocent soul for Xavier just for the money to keep her alive, how would you feel seeing her dead even after all that..” He whispered and I shut my eyes In deep anguish..
I feel like the world was crashing on me, after Xavier saved me from death, I became his men, I once wanted to stop the killing but that was when Jane got the sickness so I couldn’t anymore..
“Jace you won’t kill her right??” I muttered..
“How would you feel knowing that Xavier was the reason why the ailment lingered, he connived with the doctor, his plan is to kill her any day you betray him..” He paused and smirked..
“Help me get jace into the government house as the security..” He said and I nodded turning to the food..
He quickly shred the bound and handed the food to me…
I finished it up in haste including the filled bottle water..
“There is a secret Xavier wanted me to keep away from you, your loyalty to him was something he don’t want to lose so he used her to hold you back, the ailment couldn’t be cured because the doctor was paid to prolong it..” He said making me stare at him in shock..
“Who paid them??” I asked..
“Xavier caused the ailment and also left it unhealed fearing you may leave when there isn’t anything holding you back..” He explained..
“You would surely use any method to make me work for you in bringing Xavier down right??..I’ve did the much I can do for you, stop all these lies…” I shrugged feeling intimidated by him…
“We were once good friends, we went into missions together, just trust me this once, I know I can’t torture you into this, you solely believed in Xavier, you are ever loyal..your girlfriend can only return to normal after Xavier is gone!” He coaxed..
“Why should I believe this, what is the assurance, where is an evidence?” I whined..
“Have you ever thought why Xavier volunteered to find doctors for you??..please Stallion, do this for her, she is in pain!!” He stated with a little frown..
I sighed and shut my eyes,
“What do you really want me to do?” I asked slowly.
“Just help Jace get into the government house as Celine’s guard, also protect him from the eyes of Xavier, he needs to find a way to make the president son help us!” He explained..
“You mean Kelvin?” I asked and he nodded..
“Alright, I’ll help you guys but promise me that Jane would be fine!” I mumbled..
“Promise!” He breathed..
I smiled and stood up feeling strength seeping in again..
With the president help, even me would be safe and live a peaceful life without killing all with Jane beside me..

My Crazy House Help (she defiled me)Where stories live. Discover now