Falling in Love... With the Wrong Guy

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Heya Guys :D The idea of this sorta came to me and I'd thought I'd try it out as a story...so tell me what you think :D


LOVE. As complicated as it is we've all experienced it... or will in the future. A wise man once said: "Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet is the humblest imaginable." That wise man was Mahatma Ghandi. Love is complicated and overrated. But what would the world be like if there was no love? I dream for that one special person. That person who will not make me feel special but remind that I am special. Someone whom I can share my life with and live my life with. Someone who understands me and knows little things that no one else knows. Someone who knows my likes, my dislikes what makes me laugh and what makes me cry. I want someone who I love and who loves me. What if you had that with someone and you didn't realise until you found someone else? Well that happened to me... 

Falling in Love... With the Wrong Guy (Joel Peat Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now