-The Poisonous Coffee Murder Case (Kouhen!)-

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'My time to find proof' and so I secretly found my way out of their sight without them noticing, "Eh? What are you doing Conan-kun?" "Are you sneaking off again to solve without us?!" "Wh-what?! Nooo- totally not-" I sweat dropped at them all now I have NO way out- luckily Hattori and Kaito noticed so they helped me, "Well do your job Kudo" Hattori said as he winked, oh thank GOODNESS they helped me- and so I started to walk around to find proof but I didn't know a few people were watching me...

**Chapter 9**
-The Poisonous Coffee Murder Case (Kouhen!)-

Conan, Detective Boys, Nahamoki Riokii, Cusami Furei, Cusami Lito, Cusami Furukima, Cusami Furukimo, Wabuya Kosoho, Heiji, Kaito, Aizawa, Uraraka, Deku, Ashido, Jirou, Iida and Bakugo

Conan POV...

"Guys there's really SOMETHING with those guys... Especially that boy with glasses..."

"Yeah.. It's like he IS a secret detective!"

"Mina-san I told you there is no such thing like that-"

"But its the only option left! A secret detectiveeee"

"Well maybe we should let them be, everyone, it might be their way when they are in their place"

"Iida-kun has a point, they might BE detective in THEIR place but not here"

"It still counts as a detective!"

"But how would he turn small? And didn't that boy with glasses say that the guy with a silk hat is a Thief?"

"You know kids, sometimes you can't trust everything they say and probably... A quirk????"

I heard the students' conversation as I knew they were talking about me, Hattori and Kaito, 'Its totally NOT obvious guys- and I'm their age, oh right I'm still Conan, not myself- wait I better get back to investigating sheesh-' I had a tiny little conversation in my head as I went back to investigating, I was about to go to another section as I heard a dog bark, I flinched as I was surprised at the sudden sound, 'Ah its just the dog- wait a second! If I could just ask them then it could connect the pieces!' I said in my mind as I went straight for Furukimo-kun, "Say oniichan, is your dog trained?" I asked him as everyone suddenly turns their attention to me, "O-oh well yes he is trained" he replied, "Why do you ask, boy?" He added, "Nothingggg!" I said with my child voice as I went straight to Hattori, "Oi Hattori- ah- H-heiji-niichan..- I think I got it.." I whispered to him, "Wait you solved it already? I haven't even got a single thing yet!" He replied, pouting, "Well that proves your not a great detective" I said, grinning at him, "Oi oi! What do you mean by that-" "Pssst- everyone is watching you" as soon as Kaito said that to us, we turned our directions towards everyone, "Ehehe... Child's play you know-" Hattori said, sweat dropping, "Quite close" "Yep" "So what are you gonna do now?" "Put this guy to sleep" I replied, pointing at Detective Nahamoki Riokii, "Naniiii????" He said, really confused, "Are you seriously gonna make him be like the Sleeping Kogoro?" He replied chuckling at his own joke, "I already did that to him before" "Wait really-?" "Yep- and those girls were really proud of him"

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