Distraction(Laurent & Lia Short)

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Hey Here is another short enjoy...

I just finished editing my new video on my YT and now I have to get myself ready for my dance class today ugh!So much shit to do. Who's gonna be in my class today ? I laughed to myself shook my head and continue to get ready. I hooked up my ear buds to my ears and asked Siri to play my playlist and  Kehlani song Gangsta start playing first ,as i sing along I continue to get ready for my day...

Kehlani -Gangsta

As I grabbed my keys and my bag and looked at myself in my full length mirror loving my stretched leggings making my lil' booty so cute and plumped #smiletongueout and my cropped Michael Jackson sweater hoodie. I looked around inside my bag to be sure I have everything  don't wanna have another day where my brain has an ''off' day lol,I set my alarm and locked my door and switched my music to my car and drove off blasting Gangsta  #smirk.  Traffic was hell as always but I didn't care I'm singing my heart out to another Kahlani track ...

Kehlani -The Way(Ft./ Chance the Rapper)

A few hours and I arrived at my building and parked and grabbed my bag and wireless sound system and hooked everything up and as I looked through my device and picked out a song for today and I know just the song to play to warm up to before everyone get's here so I feel like going back to the 90's with some Reggae that's it!

Beenie Man(Ft./Maya) - Girls Dem Sugar

I put my ear buds in my ears but still had it playing out loud for whoever comes in first . I start to dance doing hip movements i start to roll my hips and then squat then twist my hips like the dancers in Sean Paul videos. I danced for a few more seconds and soon as i finished i took the buds out my ears and grabbed my bottle of water  the room was silent but not for too long someone start clapping and whistling. I turned around spilling my water on my Michael Jackson crop top)and as it ran down my chest i slowed down his clapping with mouth dropped open and soon he shook his head to regain himself and skipped ran across the room towards me and grabbed a towel from the basket by the door and rushed to pat me dry and apologizing as he patted I didn't get a good look at him well... yea. As it rolled down my leg he saw it first and bend down to wipe down and up my leg and soon as he looked up omfg! He flipped his hair up and looked at me with a few strings of his twists falling in his face i drowned my boy shorts in yum yum liquid lol and my legs gave out right then and he threw the towel and caught me from hitting the floor. We were so close his chest to my face and his body smelled so good my senses tingled with want and need of his hands all over me. I looked up at him about to speak until he  swooped me up off my feet and laid me down on my lounge in my office and sprinted to get ice compacter for my knees even tho my knees were fine but my insides were done. He came back in the office and soon as he spoke i start to heave in heat and i think he knew he was killing me cause he smirked at me, his tall fine gorgeous ass from head to foot. i wanted to jump him right then I finally came to when he spoke ...


You oki? 


Yes i'm f..f...f...fine. Just need to go to the restroom i'll be back i rush to get up and felt like my legs turned into jelly again. Oh shit! 


Whoa! You be careful belle, No want you to hurt youself.


I'll be okay...

He grabbed me by one of my hands and held it in his as his other hand was on my hip i almost fell again and he caught me in mid fall and my ass was pushed into his crotch and i heard him groan and my body shook with lust.I grabbed at his arm on my hip and he still  proceed to walk me to the restroom and he didn't let go until i made it inside the door of the women's toilet  i blushed so hard at that. I pulled down my pants and he turned to go stand outside and yelled 

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