My Deep Secret

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Here's a short LT Bxb story. Hope you guys like it...



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Larry Bourgeois

Hi I'm Larry and I have a twin name Laurent and we are real close and for years since we were 17 I had this Deep Secret and I non know how to tell him I know he no love me back so for years i kept it hidden but our mom knew she just kept quite for my sake but now that we are 27 and winners of W.O.D. 2017 we going out with our girl friends(in this story Larry doesn't have a child and him and his gf broke up 4yrs ago and more surprises on the way)but Lau doesn't know that Larry is a virgin and never been with a woman or guy he literally is in love secretly with Lau so he lie and say he has a date and instead go to a movie alone or dinner alone or say his gf stays over seas far from Paris. As Lau knocks on his door asking him is he ready to go and did he call his gf. Larry was finishing getting dressed and heard Lau at the door and he quickly got dressed and turned to walk out without saying a word or a what's up bro.... Nothing.

Laurent Bourgeois

Hey Larry bro you ready? And did you call your....

Before he could finish the rest Larry passed him by out the door without a word leaving Lau mindless and confused to his twin mood. He shrugged  his shoulders and left out the bedroom and turn all the lights off and set the alarm and made sure he grabbed his phone wallet and keys and head for they he got in he noticed his brother with his ear phones on and look like he has been crying.

Bro! *grabs his thigh* you oki?

*getting chills and looking down at where his twin...the man he loves hand on his thigh*  uh...yes Lau ...what's up?


You oki bro? You look down. We no have to date tonight maybe next time. We can go to Olive Garden or Hit up a Taco Bell *lol*


*Larry looked up and Lau and smiled. * sure bro Taco bell be oki.

*heading home after eating and laughing and just being they self like old times. They entered the house laughing and undid the alarm an re set it and soon b4 locked the doors. Larry stopped laughing and suddenly started staring at his brother with lust and love. He wore some black jeans with a black skin tight sweater with his cross necklace with his hair in twists. Larry couldn't help how he felt at the moment. He start to feel like he couldn't hold it any longer and soon as he was gonna tell his twin with physical meaning Lau shouts out his last laugh and headed towards his bedroom bathroom....

*hurrying off to his bedroom bathroom to pee*  oh boy...bro that drink no hold long I got ta pee pee bro

Larry looked at Lau walk off quickly to his bedroom bathroom and slowly walked to Lau room with both doors open Larry still feeling loads of lust for his other half he closed his brother door and notice his twin had his door cracked and see Lau peeing. He looked down and was in awe he hadn't ever saw his brother thick long member until now. He slowly start rubbing his hard on thru his jeans and pushed the door open and after Lau shook his self off and b4 he could pull his pants up Larry crept up behind him and got so close that Lau open his eyes and felt his twin behind him...

Um...bro. What u doing?

Larry didn't answer soon he wrapped his arm around Lau waste and whispered in his ear....

You wanna know secret ?

Um...uh! *licks lips* wh...what is it?

He licks the shell of his ear and bites it and says...

I lust for you my brother and I want you to me self and right now you will let me have you. I love you Lau and I want to show it.....*grinds on his twin naked ass and moan* in so many...positions(saying it sexy with lust) 

To be continued....

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