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Chapter 5:-the camp

And a surprise attack and meet?

At a cave somewhere in the pallet town:-

"hey is this all the pokemon we captured?that seems like a low number for amount boss put as a minimum,what would boss say" said a guy dressed in all black with a giant red R on is chest and back

"oh hush,we know thats not our main task,if we captured these pokemon and still found our target we would still get paid,god I just want that money" said another guy in a similar outfit while daydreaming about the money he would receive if the intended target is found and captured successfully

"hey what is even our target"said the first guy while thinking

"dude wtf were u doing when the boss was explaining about our target" exclaimed the other guy in shock

[how the hell can someone not listen when the boss is telling about a 100k pokedollar pay for one capture] the first guy thought in shock

"nevermind u,our capture is the mythical pokemon of kanto region,the pokemon who is said to be the ancestor of every single pokemon,mew

We tried to clone mew and have an army of mew but well the dna wasn't enough and we created a similar but worse pokemon,ditto later stuff happened and ditto split into even more pokemon species,example trubbish who evolves into garbodor and koffing when ditto we threw them in trash,mew is said to be spotted in this forest,wonder how the old fool oak hasn't realized that and he has been living here for years"says the other guy

"boss said he will give us 100k pokedollars if we r able to capture mew" the first guy was amazed

"then lets get to work shall we?" said the first guy with a smirk

Meanwhile with someone flying on top of their heads:-

[hehe they really think they can catch me?thats funny,lets play with them for a while] thought the invisible creature and lifted its invisible arm and the hats of the people were floating

But the guy who knew properly about mission was just smirking

[why is he smirking] the creature's eyes widen

[HAVE I FALLEN INTO A TRAP?!?!] the creature thought in panic

"NOW!!" screamed the first guy as a black liquid was thrown onto the creature revealing its shape

It was cat like and it was floating


A shot was fired at mew who got hit and as soon as he got hit,he teleported into a nearby lake

"was that the tranquilizer dart or tracker?" said the first guy

"the tracker obviously,we found mew after a long time,using tranquilizer would be foolish,it takes 5-10 mins to kick in,in that time mew would have teleported somewhere far away and we would have lost track of it and that squid ink it can easily go into the skin of certain pokemon so it will hard to remove and we can still find traces even if it removes the tracker somehow" said a buff man holding a rifle while having a smug look on his face

"woah admin,that was smart,u r really great,no wonder u r one of the top team rocket admirals" said the first grunt in awe with the second grunt nodding his head

"since we got the tracker set we can inform the boss about our find and success in almost trapping in,he can have the pleasure of catching mew by himself and we will still get our pay,its a win win" said the admiral while setting down the rifle and picking up a bit of the ink which dripped onto the floor and put it in a zip lock bag

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