chapter 9

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The gang was moving throughout the camp with their new captures and after some training ash and red’s newly caught caterpie and weedle evolved into butterfree and beedrill
They walked towards the end of the forest where they could see a door like thing created by trees with light beaming out of there,the gang walked out of the door like thing and they got blinded by light and after their eyes adjusted to the bright lighting they saw the city they were looking for
The city of rocks,pewter city
Ash sat on a rock as an old man shouted at him saying
"Oi kid,get off my souvenir rocks,if u set on them too long u will have to buy the rock" ash immediately jumped back and bowed his head forward in an apologetic manner
"Sorry sir for sitting on your rocks" said ash rapidly bowing (deku style 😅)
"It's fine kid,just don't do it again"said the man whose face was covered up
"Do u really sell these rocks as souvenirs? People don't usually buy them as souvenirs" said red questioning after jumping a mediumly high ledge

"Yes kid they do buy sometimes and very rarely they get lucky to find some evolution stones and even rarely,the Fossils of ancient animals or Pokemon"said the guy
Kurama jumped down too and looked at the stone collection

"Ne old man how much r these two rocks,I'm feeling lucky today" said kurama after opening his eyes and focusing and pointing to two specific stones

"Huh these two?,these r the smallest,they can't even contain the evolution stones or fossils why u trying to get kid?" The man raised his eyebrow which wasn't visible to literally anyone
"As i said i was feeling lucky,just give me the rocks" said kurama cooly

"Fine kid,200 pokedollars" he said and handed over the rocks and received notification of payment completing
The gang just walked off and kurama handed the two the rocks to the twins

"Why give us these kurama?" Questioned red looking at the rocks
"U will see kid,just bring your official starter and see the magic" said kurama with a smirk
Red does as he says and brings out charmeleon
Who was confused and immediately sensed something and jumped towards reds arms and looked at the stone intrigued
"What the" said red shocked from charmeleon's behaviour
"Call him back and u will see why it's happening later in the future" said kurama with a smirk
Red does as he said and ash was trying to figure out the weird behaviour of charmeleon

"First let's go the gym and get your badges" said kurama as he pointed towards a building further into the city
"Letsss goo" said ash and red,ran quickly to the pointed direction
"When is their excitement going to die out" said a sighing kurama and walked behind them

The building itself is made of giant boulders,the exterior was like it was made out of boulders and a gate only
The door slowly opened while making heavy noises as the twins stepped in and it closed
The inside of the gym was pitch black until a light in the middle of the room with a spiky haired male with squinted eyes who began to speak

"Greetings trainer,i am Brock,the current gym leader of pewter city,r u here to talk or for the battle or want more info about the championship?" Said Brock with seemingly no emotions
"Umm...first can u tell us about the championship and then can we have a battle?" Asked ash softly

"Very well,to enter the championship first u will need 8 gym badges and once u have them,there will be a tournament every year where u will be fighting others trainers participating in the tournament and it's an elimination tournament,the only way to progress is to beat the opponent or they forfeit
Once u win the tournament u will get the privilege to fight the elite four and champion of kanto,the gyms r scattered all over the region,in different places each having their own rules and each having their own specific types so u will have to beat all of them to get their badges and i am your first hurdle,Brock(the rock) and my rules r simple,3v3,switching allowed on both sides nd on my Rocky terrain battle field" explained Brock as they just nodded and ash stepped onto the trainer platform as the battlefield got changed to a rocky terrain one and Brock entered his platform and Brock motioned as a kid came to the refree platform
"The battle between Brock the gym leader of pewter and challenger shall begin,3v3 and switching is available on both sides,battle begin" said the kid who was like an identical copy of Brock

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