his house

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Aurora ran as fast as her feet could take her, hand in hand with Theo.

She knew her dad must be chasing after her. She tugged Theo's arm and demanded, "Get us out of here!"

"Where should we go?" he asked, equally panicked.

"Apparate!" Aurora exclaimed. "Anywhere, Theo!"

She heard footsteps approaching, and even though she did not see a face, she knew who it was.

"Rory!" her dad called. "Rory!"

But they already disappeared.

Theo and Aurora arrived at a cottage, and Aurora must admit that it looked rather beautiful. It was well kept, had many potted plants around it to make it greener.

She saw the sign nailed to the door. It read: 'Theodore Nott's humble abode.'

Theo casted a spell and sent the keys flying to him. He caught it and started to unlock the door.

"Just a second," he said. He seemed to be struggling with the keys.

"Is this a.. Family holiday home?" Aurora asked curiously, still adoring the environment. It was secluded - felt private. Like their own little forest.

"Something like that," Theo answered. "From my mum's side of the family. And when they stopped using it, she gave it to me."

Aurora heard the door click. Theo sighed, relieved, and turned the door knob.

It creaked open, and he went inside. She followed after.

"My beautiful darling Rory," he smiled. "Welcome to my house"

"I still can't believe my dad - my uncles, they-"

"What did I tell you?" Theo laughed. "Your family's rowdy."

She didn't know how he could laugh in a situation like this.

"Your dad's yelling, your uncle's threatening to curse me and shit," he continued. "Makes me want to run away with you more."

She fell on to the sofa, her knees felt weak. Tears flowed from her eyes. She never would've thought something like this would happen. Her family had always been supportive, loving, thoughtful.

She always thought that her dad would be glad to see her happy. But he wasn't.
She had never even fought with him. She loved her dad - thought the world of him, and he always said that she was his favorite. He always told her how much he loved her and how proud he'd be of her when she grew up.

When Theo noticed Aurora crying, his smile faded and he rushed to her, pulling her into his arms.

"Shit, I'm sorry, Rory," he whispered. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm here," he added. "I'm always here."

"I love them," she sobbed. "I love them but—"

Theo stroked her head gently, in attempt to comfort her. "I know," he cooed. "I know, I know."

"I don't understand how—" she stuttered. Aurora was at a lost for words. Never in a million years would she even think that she would be in this position. Running away from home. "I don't understand why they can't just accept you! Whatever happened between my dad and yours is none of our fault."

He offered her a smile. "Well, sometimes, parents like your dad just want the best for you, and I guess it's normal for dads to think that no one is ever good enough for his little girl."

Aurora looked up at him, her lips slightly pouted. "You're more than good enough for me."

She could hear his heartbeat ringing like drums in his chest. Theo chuckled, "Thank you for thinking that."

"What about your mum?" Aurora asked. "Did you tell her about me?"

"Oh yeah,. She won't tell dad or anyone else," he nodded. "Told her all about you. About how pretty you are," he twirled her hair in his finger, "How kind you are. How smart you are. By the way, she was really impressed by your speech."

Her eyebrows shot up. "So she likes me."

"Oh definitely."

Theo brushed strands of hair away from her face, adoring her. It wasn't everyday he had someone who was willing to run away with him.

His finger traced her cheek, her jaw, and it finally landed on her chin. He pulled her closer and kissed her. He felt her tear stains, he felt one single tear trickling down from her eye.

God she loved him so much.

"I love you, Rory."

She smiled.

"I love you too."

"You should get some rest," he suggested. "Wanna take a nap upstairs?"

Aurora laid on the couch. "Can I just nap here?" she requested.

"Okay," he agreed. "I'll bring some blankets and pillows down."

He stood and went up the stairs, but not without blowing her a kiss. Aurora waited, looking at her surroundings. The cottage was surprisingly clean and tidy. Theo couldn't have done this.

But then he was back, a soft looking blanket hanging from his shoulder, fluffy pillows in his arms.

"Here you go," he said, setting the couch up for her. When she laid back, Theo kneeled and got to her feet. "I'll take your shoes off."

Aurora head was spinning, she couldn't think properly, but she knew that she was so lucky to have Theodore Nott.

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