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Hercules: y/n let's go!!! Hurry up!

Y/n: *from upstairs* I'm trying!!! My skirt has a hole in it can you fix it when we get back please?!

Hercules: Sure now let's go!
*you walk down the stairs he grabs your hand and the two of you walk hand and hand to the bar*

Winston: We'll if it isn't the Mulligans!

Y/n: The one and onlys baby!
*you kiss Winston on the cheek and he gives you one back. Hercules and him shake hands*

Hercules: Are they already hear?

Winston: Yeah there in the back

*You and Hercules make your way to the back of the bar to find your friends*

Alexander: Look who's here guys!!

*You run to straight to Lafayette and into his arms the two of you hug and laugh*

*You all go to a table to sit and talk*

Y/n: I'll be back I'm going to get a drink

*At the bar*

Y/n: One bourbon please

Aaron: Make it two please

Aaron: So you're an bourbon girl huh?

Y/n: Who wouldn't be?

*you and Arron laugh*

Aaron: Aaron Burr

*He said as holding out his hand*

*you take it*

Y/n: Y/n Mulligan

Aaron: Well what as a fine lady like yourself doing at a bar all alone?

Y/n: I'm not alone * you point over to your brother and friends*

Aaron: I see

Bartender: Hear are your bourbons *hands them to the two of you*

Y/n: Thank you

Aaron: Thank you

*you and Aaron talked the whole night getting to know each other until your brother came up to you and said you were leaving*

Hercules: Y/n come on it's time for us to get home

Y/n: Okay give me a minute I'll meet you outside let me say goodbye to a friend

Hercules: okay don't take too long I'll be outside waiting

Y/n: okay

*Hercules goes outside to wait for you*

Y/n: Well Mr.Burr it seems like are time is up. Until we meet again

Aaron: We could. Tomorrow at City Hall Park at 1:00 p.m?

Y/n: Well I'll see you tomorrow then Mr.Burr

Aaron: See you tomorrow Miss.Mulligan

*You turn around and walk outside to find your brother*

Hercules: What took you so long?

Y/n: I'm sorry I was planning a date! * you say smiling*

Hercules: *Grabbing your hand* With who?!

Y/n: Mr.Burr

*You tell him everything that happened at the two of you walked home hand and hand+

Aaron Burr x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now