The Date

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*The day of the park date*

Hercules: Y/n!! It's time for you to get up now you have an important day ahead of you.

Y/n: *From upstairs* I know I'm already up!

*You come downstairs so you could eat breakfast and talk to your brother*

Hercules: What are you going to wear?

Y/n: You know the purple gown that you made me some time ago for Peggy's party?

Hercules: Yeah?

Y/n: That one.

Hercules: I can't believe it! My baby is growing all up.!

*He says dramatically wiping off fake tears*

Y/n: Stop it Herc.

Hercules: So how do you feel about Burr?

Y/n: I can't say yet, but he is cute

*The two of you talk until Aaron knocks on the door*

Hercules: *Opening the door* Ah Burr it's good to see you!

Aaron: You too Hercules!

*He says as he shakes his hand*

Aaron: Is y/n ready?

Hercules: Yeah let me just go get her

*He leaves into the house and come back with you*

Aaron: Wow y/n you look beautiful

Y/n: Thank you, you look handsome yourself Aaron

*He extended out his hand and before you take it you give your brother a kiss on the cheek*

*The two of you walk hand and hand until you get to a picnic spot at the park*

Y/n: Aww did you set this up Aaron?

Aaron: I did!

*You kiss him on the cheek*

*He then helps you down on the ground*

*The two of you talk and get to know the basics of each other*

                                     * Hours later*

Aaron: Well y/n I think it's time for me to be getting you home

Y/n: Ah yes I think so too.

*The two of you walk back to you and your brother house hand and hand talking about every and anything *

Aaron: *At your door step* Well y/n I've had a wonderful evening with you I would love to do it again.

Y/n: As will I.

*He then cups your face with his hands and leaned in for a kiss so do you*

*The two of you kiss for a minute then stop*

Y/n: Good night Aaron

Aaron: Good night y/n

*He leaves and you walk inside your house*

Hercules, Alexander, Lafayette, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy: HOW WAS IT!!!! Did you kiss!!!!

Y/n: Everything was perfect!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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