Chapter 1:Confusion BeforeHand

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Monday 4th æpŕįł 9:00AM.

(Y/N)s POV.

"Sweetheart, it's time to go home, Philza needs you, they all need you".

I could hear a soft voice speak in my ears as I suddenly opened my eyes to see that I'm laying on my back underneath an old weeping willow towering me. The sky is slaughtered with white fluffy clouds as I sat up and then stood up.

"What happened to me?".

I asked as I looked around for an explanation and found a gravestone behind me stating:

-~'In memory of (Y/N) (L/N), a wonderful, amazing person with a big heart just like her mothers'.~-

"I died?!, no I can't be dead, this has to be a prank!".

I shouted as I looked at my hand to see it transparent. This can't be right, it can't be!. I panicked even more as I ran as fast as I can go, anywhere away from my gravestone is better than anything.

I made it away from the Cliffside to see the town rebuilding, which seemed strange in my opinion.

"What the hell happened here?".

I said as I wondered into the town, for some reason the town seems either shaken badly or gloomy. I can't describe it but it feels like it, given on how everyone seems depressed and no one noticed me. I wondered around the town by myself as I try and find my friends and family.

"Uncleza?!, Niki?!, Drista?!, Micheal?!, Auntyza?!, Puffy?!, where are you guys?!".

I called out as I wondered even more as my own fears are starring to kick me in the guts.

I looked around and decided to head home, as I got to my house. I could see my house isn't sold, to my relief atleast.

I went through my front door and entered the living room to see what broke my heart to a whole maximum. I could hear Philza blaming himself, Kristin trying to comfort him but it only increases his blame. Drista is comforting Niki, who is crying very badly but I know Drista needs comfort as well. What hurts my heart is that Micheal is sad but he seems to be looking around as if he's looking for me to appear out of nowhere.

"No please dont cry guys, I'm here, see!".

I shouted as I got no response from them, I approached Phil and Kristin and tried to hug the two but instead I went through them like a gust of wind.

"No, no no no no no no no no, this can't be?!, I CANT BE DEAD!!!!, PLEASE GUYS, PLEASE DON'T IGNORE ME IM RIGHT HERE!!!".

After all that shouting, they still didn't notice me, I felt tears roll down my cheeks. This can't be the end, no it can't be, I don't want to be alone forever.

Narrators POV.

Before (Y/N) had came back as a ghost, Philza, Kristin, Drista, Niki and Micheal couldn't stop the grieving from coming. Even though it's been two months, they couldn't get over the loss of their deceased friend/neice.

"It's all my fault, I can't believe DreamXD would do this. I know he is dead set on killing Antichrists but my sisters child?. My sister will be angry at me for not keeping my promise I made to her".

Philza blamed himself as Kristin tried her best to comfort Phil but it increases the blame on himself. Drista and Niki were upset at the lost of their friend and Micheal is sad that (Y/N) is gone. For some reason, Micheal seems hopeful as he looked around as if expecting (Y/N) to come out of nowhere at any minute.

"I'm so sorry guys, I didn't mean to get mad, I just wanted- I just wanted-".

Ghost (Y/N) started to mumble all to herself as she felt even more tears fall down her cheeks. Once again no one heard her, she was invisible and quiet to the mortals. However, she had noticed that Kristin looked around curiously, making Phil confused over what Kristin is looking for.

"Kristin are you alright?, I'm sorry if I'm ranting too much again-".

"Shhh, I think I heard something".

Kristin said as (Y/N) perked up, a smile spreading on her face as she quickly rushed to Kristin's side.

"Auntyza!, it's me!, (Y/N)!, I'm still here!, just a ghost now!. Tell Uncleza it's not his fault and tell him to stop blaming himself because it isn't his fault!".

(Y/N) called out as Kristin's eyes widened at the recognition of her neices voice. Since Kristin is related to the first user of the symbol of death. She can pick up spiritual life and voices quicker than the current symbol of death user.

"(Y/N)?, oh (Y/N), Phil, (Y/N) told me to tell you to stop blaming yourself, it's not your fault".

Kristin passed on the message as Philza's eyes widened at Kristin's message, he knows that she can hear (Y/N)s voice quicker than him so he believes her.

"Okay (Y/N), I'll do that for you".

Finally for once after those two months, Philza had stopped blaming himself and that made Kristin happy.

"Oh oh, Auntyza, tell my friends, Drista and Niki that I'm still here and that they don't need to grieve anymore".

(Y/N) called out as Kristin smiled softly at her neices determination to pull them out of their despair.

Just like that, Kristin had done what (Y/N) had requested, even though she couldn't see (Y/N), she could perfectly hear her now. Now everyone in the living room had started to feel better, which made (Y/N) happy to say the least.

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