Chapter 5:Heading Off Through The Jungles.

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Tuesday 5th æpŕįł 8:50AM.

Narrators POV.

After breakfast, Mexican Dream concluded that the detective squad will stay behind as he sorted out everything for their travels.

"Right this should be the last of it, Philza how long does it take to get to the safe house?".

Drista asked as Philza sighed, Kristin and Puffy was sorting out Micheal for him as (Y/N), Ghostbur and Niki were chatting since they are ready for travels.

"Let's see, probably at the end of the week at this pace or maybe until Friday or sooner if we rush there in an instant".

Phil had concluded as Drista sighed. She should have known about it, however Phil noticed something about Drista ever since Ghostbur had appeared from the forest.

"Is something the matter Drista?".

"No everything is fine, why?".

"Your staring at Ghostbur like as if he's a danger hazard".

Philza spoke and true to his word, Drista is giving Ghostbur the side eye whole he talked to Niki and (Y/N).

"There's something I have to tell you Phil but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone else about it".

Drista spoke as Philza looked at her in confusion. What is so important to Drista that Philza himself has to know about?.

"Sure, I keep anyone's secrets a secret. What is it you have to tell me?".

Philza spoke as Drista inhaled, looked around for anyone listening into their conversation. Luckily there isn't anyone listening in since everyone is busy doing something at the moment.

"You remember the Revival Book that was sitting in the library?".

Drista asked as Philza nodded, his skin starting to crawl at the mention of the book.

"Yes why?".

"Well what if I were to tell you that there was a way to bring back ghosts using the Revival Book".

Drista's own words had brought Philza to stare at Ghostbur in shock as he returned his attention back to Drista.

"So you were to tell me that-".

"Ghostbur was brought back by Dream from Pergortory to take (Y/N) back but it seems Ghostbur isn't the only one that has came back".

(Y/N)s POV.

We bid Mexican Dream goodbye as we left down the valley with Philza, Kristin and Micheal in the lead. Drista, Puffy and Niki are behind me, Ghostbur and Friend. The day has became a clear day with the sun shining and the clouds slaughtered across the skies.

"Hey (Y/N), did you know that there's a axolotl cave nearby, maybe we could check it out together?".

Ghostbur asked as I noticed a blue-ish hue form on his cheeks. My own face started to heat up as it seems to catch Drista's attention.

"Maybe another time Ghostbur, maybe another time".

Drista stated as I looked at her in confusion, why did she say it like as if we aren't going to be doing so?. I mentally shrugged as we walked through the jungle like forest. The trees are tall and thick with the long vines dangling to our knees. The bushes are thick with thorns sticking on the inside as my friends and family fought through the bushes together. Meanwhile me and Ghostbur walked through the bushes like it's noting.

"Oh oh there is a nearby panda habitat, maybe we could check that out too".

Ghostbur spoke again, almost like as if he's begging for us to go check it out. I could hear Niki sigh.

"No Ghostbur, we have to make it to the safe house otherwise the SCPs will catch up. We can't allow any delays".

Niki explained as I looked at Ghostbur, he looked really upset about hearing the news.

"Hey don't worry Ghostbur, me and Ghostbur can check it out, we will catch up with you guys".

I suggested as everyone stopped and stared at me like as if I've gone insane.

"No (Y/N), that isn't a good idea and you know it".

"But please Uncleza, it'll be a quick minute, you won't realize we have been missing for a while".

I begged as Philza looked at me in the eyes for a few minutes and finally sighed in defeat.

"Fine but Drista and Niki are going to accompany you incase if something happens".

I cheered happily as Drista and Niki nodded in agreement.

"Right, let's go find that panda habitat Ghostbur had mentioned".

Narrators POV.

(Y/N), Drista, Niki and Ghostbur had seperated from Philza, Kristin, Micheal and Friend. Ghostbur had lead the three towards an area full of bamboo and pandas. (Y/N) started cooing at the cute pandas as Drista and Niki looked around the area for any SCPs. Drista kept an eye on (Y/N) and Ghostbur incase if the two ghosts went missing all of a sudden. Ghostbur started fuming on the inside of his failed plan attempt of capturing (Y/N) but he knows that she'll trust him for saving her.

"They are so cute Ghostbur".

"Hehe, they are very cute but not as cute as you (Y/N)".

Ghostbur flirted as (Y/N) blushed softly, however Drista glared at Ghostbur for flirting with (Y/N). Suddenly, a rustling noise has been made from a nearby bush, making Drista and Niki go on high alert at the rustling noice. Out of the bushes came what seems to be the ghost of an half enderman, half farlander. Niki had paled at the sight of the ghost, meanwhile Drista glared at the ghost.

"Yay another ghost like me!".

(Y/N) chirped at the arrival ghost as Drista and Niki had heard the distant shouts and the loud rustling of flames engulfing on trees could mean one thing.

The SCPs are nearby.

-~Obsessive Desires, The Sequel~- (Dream SMP x Fem Ghost Reader)Where stories live. Discover now