
30 4 5

Guess who is here again?!
A double uppie
Who followed us from Bridal Contest? Raise your hands let's see you.

She decided against it upon reaching his door but was too late to turn and walk out of the house because he opened the door as if on cue that someone some seconds ago was planning on barging into his room.

  He wasn't surprised to see her because he knows his fiery wife will not let him off the hook that easily, she's not one to chicken out. But, he knows of the effect his presence have on her which is why she's trying her best to not to come face to face with him.

   "Were you planning on coming in", he said raising one of his brows up in a questioning manner. When her hand dropped to her side.

"Well.... Never mind", she changed her mind instead, there are other ways to deal with situations like this.

"I'm off to work. Bye".

He was shocked at her response. She took him by surprise he couldn't even say anything. She smiled successfully at a job well done siting his dropped jaw and wide eyes like saucers.

  " Two can play this game", he vowed.


   Salma had the upperhand this morning but she knows he won't lay low. Unlike kamal he doesn't take defeat likely, and he will be having something up his sleeves, she begin to hyperventilate knowing he will definitely do something unknown to her, and she does not know him well to imagine how far he can go.

   She was stressed out that morning and couldn't concentrate on her work properly. Too much work piled up for her because of the break she took, and she wouldn't want her personal life to interfere with her work so she tried to push it back and face the files that are on her table for sorting out.


   She managed to work on most of the files for the whole week and was left with fieldwork the following week. They spent most of the week at the site because of the road expansion project they were given by the federal government, the abuja-lokoja express way.
   On a faithful day she came back when the sun was waving the earth bye for the day, down on the west with an orange coloration. Her brows and lashes were powdered with reddish brown clay, and her nostrils running as a result of the dusty area they worked in.
    "You look fabulous" Jamaal welcomed her with a toothy grin that made her reciprocate. He has an infectious smile no one can resist.
    She kept her hand bag and loosen the pin on her hijab before dashing into the guest toilet at the sitting room to relieve her bladder. After that, she raised her brown eyes to the mirror and was disappointed to see the dust that adorned her face.
    Jamaal is a tease.
There her heart was swelling at the revelation and full blown smile without knowing he was just pulling her legs.

"You should have told me you like  dust-adorned women", she wiggled her brows.

"So that you will be bathing with clay? No no. I prefer my ladies in talc, subtle lips in burgundy" he winks.

"happy talc-ing then", she said and pack her belongings, taking lazy strides up the stairs.


    Through out that week and the next she was busy with the project that they even work over the weekends. On a successful Saturday evening she was neck deep into the site work that she didn't keep track of time.

   "Hajiya ai ya kamata mutsaya muyi sallah kada lokaci ya wuce", one of the laborers said to her and she was perplexed it was afternoon already. She gave him a go-ahead and walk back to where her car is packed. She check her wristwatch that she removed earlier on and kept in the car. Starring back at her is the short hand slightly passed the 2 symbol and the long hand at 5.

   "Ya ilaihi", she brought the back of her palm to her forehead. She urgently inform them of her need to go home and match the gas pedal till she could see the gate of her house.

   Jamaal will so kill me today, she thought. Many husbands won't take this kind of inconvenience even if they are in support of the job talkless of her husband that is totally against it. But it is the nature of her job, what will she do.

   The scent of her husband's car freshener Excellent Tasotti hit her nostrils and the cozy feel of air conditioned room after a tiring sunny day makes her eyes droop, she feels like laying on the bed and drifting to la la la land.

   But wait first, what is the special occasion?

  Her eyes wander across the room till her sight fall on the feast on the dinning table.

"Welcome home babes", he says coming into the sitting room in a black short-sleeved top and a nude three-quarter trousers.

"Thank you", she answered perplexed.

"You must be famished. There's food on the table".

   Her legs followed his command even though her heart is refusing it. Is this the comeback he has prepared? Her hands also refused the command of her heart and open the casserole. Inside the food flask is the most inviting coconut rice and in another lamb casserole, in the pitcher is sorel punch. Her father's favourite food.

  "Will you stop scrunitizing it and feed your grumbling tummy? ", he chided dishing out the food into a plate.

   "Did you poison me? ", she requested to know.

  He picked the serviette-wrapped-cutlery and unwrap it. He cut the mutton and took it to his mouth, followed by a spoonful of rice with the mutton sauce, he gobbled down a cup of sorel punch chewing the fruits inside.

   "Perhaps I should poison myself too so that we will be the new generation Romeo and Juliet".

  She yawns and bring the back of her palm to cover her mouth. She drew back the dinning chair and make herself comfortable on it before digging in.

   The jarring buzz of her phone stratled her. She raised her head and slumped back when silence enveloped the room again. She was beginning to drift back to sleep when another buzz Jared her up.

   Who's this, disturbing my sleep, she muttered frustratingly.

She began searching for the phone inside the satchel and didn't see it until the call was missed.

   2 missed calls from favourite mother.

She called back happily. "Ummi"

"Baby. Who fed your husband today? "


"Yes answer me"

"I.....i did Ummi", she said stuttering

"Don't lie to me"

"I am serious ma-

-well you can ask him where he got the food from", she interrupted and hung up the call.

What the ffffff.... Flowers.

I may be this generous with update tomorrow but that depends on the outcome I get.

You withhold your comments and likes, I keep my update to myself.

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