Chapter Two

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It was a sunny Saturday evening, and Bella's mother and father had something fun planned for Spring Break.

School was out, and homecoming just ended. She didn't go though, since she had to catch up on homework. As she always said, it was always important to put school first.

She was sitting cross-legged on the white furry couch that her parents had bought a few days before renting the cabin. She was skimming through a book about zombies that she bought from the library.

Yes, you heard me right, zombies. Even though she was extremely fancy, she still loved ghost, aliens, and zombies stories. She even halfway believed they were real.

She would sometimes look up things on the internet like "urban legends in different states"

Bella learned about different cryptids such as Mothman, Skinwalkers, Bigfoot, Goatman, Lizard People, and Siren Head.

But her favorite had to be the super adorable, cuddly creatures called the Fresno Night crawlers.

Her mother and father rented a cabin so they could have a fun week on spring break. The cabin was about 4 stories high, with bright, warm yellow lights. The outside was a chocolate brown color with moss growing ever so often on the sides.

The inside was white, and very modern. It almost looked like the inside of a mall. The kitchen was neatly put together, with a rack of knives, three fridges, one double oven, and a electric microwave.

Her life was near perfect. Her parents were always kind to her, and never yelled at her like the parents on TV shows. Her life felt like a Broadway movie.

She didn't like to strut it though. At school, everyone knew about her fancy home back in Oregon that had five convertible cars, three garages and 7 stories. Her parents were millionaires.

But she didn't show it at school. She was not the peppy, snooty rich type.

It was about 10:00 AM, and her mom and dad just got back from their meeting at the toy factory.

"Hi mom! Hi dad! How did it go?" Bella said as she popped up from the couch, and ran to hug her parents.

Her mother and father always wore their suits, because they usually had meetings most of the time.

Her mom was named Miranda, and she had a very defined jawline. It was kind of intimidating probably to her co-workers. No one wanted to mess with her. Her hair was pulled back into a black pony tail, and she usually wore her FBI- looking sunglasses, and a black suit.

Her Father on the other hand looked pretty much innocent. His name was Mike. He kind of looked like the Dad from Coraline. He was tall, lanky, and had a warm smile. He had a mahogany colored middle- part, and black thin framed glasses.

They both gave Bella a hug. "It was great! We both hired four more people. They seem real nice!" Said Miranda, as they all walked outside and out to the backyard.

Later that day, they decided to hang out on the shoreline and watch the waves. Bella was in her hot pink bathing suit and was sipping lemonade.

This is the life, thought Bella. Nothing could go wrong.

She always loved vacation, because it was so relaxing. So quiet, so peaceful. To her, it was kind of a confirmation that nothing could go wrong. An escape from the actual world to be exact.

She did realize the bad things that happened in life, like robberies, murder, assault, and other things.

She hated when things like that would pop up on the news, because she wanted the earth to be a happy, safe space for everyone.

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