Chapter Three

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Bella woke up in a cold sweat. She had a bad dream, again.

The dream was different though, it was sort of peaceful at the beginning.

Bella didnt exactly remember all of it since dreams dissapear fairly quickly, but it was about.. Vacation.

She felt a little bit sad because her parents never took her on vacation. Yes, her life was good, but they never got to go anywhere outside the town.

Anyways, Isabella remembered some details about the dream like vegetables, a fluffy couch, and wind.

Heavy wind, to be exact.

Bella shook it off, and decided to get up for the day.

The day was a very special day. Bella felt excited because her and her parents would do something special.

It was her birthday! She had just turned 19.

Wow. 19 years. She almost felt like a 14 year old girl, because of how childish she was.

She loved cartoons, stuffed animals, nursery rhymes, and even my little pony.

It sounded dumb, so she kept it to herself rather than telling her classmates. They would probably make fun of her, and kick her out of the popular crowd.

Bella put on her red shirt, pink skirt, and overalls.

Her favorite part of the outfit had to be her pigtails. It expressed her personality and her quirkiness.

She put on her knee high white socks, and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

While Bella was walking through the hallway, she heard some people talking. At first, she was confused considering no one ever visited except for friends.

She leaned her ear against the wall, and tried to listen. Maybe it was her parents. She smiled at the thought.

"They could be discussing my present!!" She snickered. Maybe she could get a hint on what it was.

"Do you think it will work, Mike?" Said Bella's mother. She sounded quite pressured, and even anxious. Bella was a little confused. Maybe her mother just wanted to make sure the gift was a good one and not a dud or something. Yea, that had to be it.

Her father responded with "Yes, it has to. I've been creating the perfect parts to make it pull her in. It's going to work sweetheart, don't worry"

Now Bella was getting a little nervous. Pull her in? What the hell did that mean? She felt kind of nauseous, but got a grip of herself.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it literally... No! He didn't mean it literally." She smiled, then brushed off her shirt, and walked downstairs.


Something deep down inside her didn't feel right. Everything felt off. While she was walking in the hallway, she couldn't think straight.

"Maybe I ate something bad last night."

That was one thing Bella always did. She pretended like something bad was just a coincidence. Like a bad omen wasn't anything to worry about.

Then she remembered something. The man from her dream last night.
He was a crazed psychopath, telling her that it was a lie. All lies.

What could that mean?

"Oh well, it doesn't matter. It's my birthday anyways. I will be happy no matter what! Cause I'm 19! I'm an adult officially!"

Bella pushed the feeling urging her not to go downstairs down in the depths of her mind. Nothing would stop her from being happy.

Because this was the day of her birth.

Birthday Bella (An Original Creepypasta OC Story) Where stories live. Discover now