Chapter 5: Remeber That Scene From Docter Strange?

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Asahis pov
When we got back to the house, Noya unlocked the door and let us in. All I remember is walking in, then black. I was having the most wonderful dream. I was married to Noya, we were traveling the world! The first place we went was his hometown, Austin Texas. We went to his old school in Westlake, and the Highschool he would have gone to. We went to the capital, and this magical place called COTA and saw a nascar race, it was around October so we went to ACL, and the moody theater, after that, Zilker park, then the Alamo drafthouse, after that we went to San Antonio and and saw the Alamo, we also went to marfa and saw the marfa lights, they looked like the northern lights, but if they were made of stars! We then went back to Austin and went to the trail of lights, and peppermint parkway, after that we went Christmas caroling at the capital with an old dude. And went to the Lady Bird Johnson wildflower Center. We went back to our rented lake house along Lady bird lake, and it all suddenly turned for the worst. I collapsed on the ground gasping for air. As Noya helped me up and got me to sit up, I was ripped from my dream with the familiar feeling in my throat, only this time so much worse.

I tried to get up, but a body was on top of me. I looked down and squinted, it was noya. The pressure in my throat was increasing by the second, I carefully moved him, attempting to not wake him up, and booked it to the bathroom. I hunched over the sink and began coughing. These coughs quickly turned into choking noises, and I couldn't breathe. A few seconds later I felt Noya put his hands on my back in an attempt to help me. My coughing only got worse, and I was running out of breath. Tears began to run down my cheeks and I started sobbing. Noya quickly hit my back with his fists. This caused a great deal of pain in my lungs, but the mass of flowers came undone.

This doesn't mean my coughing would stop though, oh no, i kept going, and going, until eventually I vomited up more blood again. This followed by another round of violent coughing which eventually subsided with a thick, but small, stream of blood falling from my lip. My legs collapsed under me and I fell down onto the ground and Noya followed me, almost cradling me in his arms. I was in so much pain it hurt to breathe, let alone talk. I looked at Noya and whispered out. "Yu, I'm terrified. Please help me. Everything hurts." As soon as I said that I broke into a new round of sobbing.
He started attempting to comfort me before pulling me into a bear hug. He then pulled away and I saw his face clearly for the first time that night. He looked like he was trying as hard as possible not to completely break down sobbing. He eventually  responded with, "Hey it's okay, I will, 'sahi, come with me, we're going to the hospital." I nodded and slowly followed as he got up and led me out the door.

When we got outside it was raining, he decided driving to the hospital would be faster than getting an ambulance, but Noya still called the hospital to let them know about the situation, and what they would be dealing with. When we got in the car, I passed out almost immediately. I don't know if it was from blood loss or exhaustion or what, but I sure am glad Noya was driving. He stepped on it. He was on the phone with a 911 operator the entire time, and even had clearance to speed.

I don't know at what point, but at some point we made a sharp turn on a road, the car lost traction, and it started to roll. It got more intense until I felt a hard slam and it stopped, I heard the car door slam, and running footsteps towards me. "Asahi! Hey 'Sahi! Shit. Open your eyes damn it! Come on! Fuking be alive! 'Sahi!" I forced my eyes open and groaned. "Agh my head." I lifted my hand up to my head and winced when it made contact with my forhead, I pulled my hand away and looked. My hand was covered in blood, and my eyes widened. I looked at Noya, he wasn't in great shape eather, his lip was split open, and he had blood running down the front of his face, along with his arm clearly hanging out of its socket. "Noya! Your face and your arm! Are you okay?!" He laughed. "I should be asking you that, your seat belt snapped and you flew through the side window. There's an ambulance on the way right now, we're gonna be okay." He sounded more like he was reassuring himself more than me.

I sat up despite my body's protests, and hugged Noya. He seemed shocked but quickly hugged me back. About 2 minutes into waiting for the ambulance, I felt a familiar feeling take hold of my lungs and throat, "please no, anywhere but here, please." I whispered.  Noya replied with, "What do you mean?" He understood what I meant when I began coughing harder than I ever had before. Noya immediately noticed this, and sprang into action. I started to choke on the flowers that were in my throat. Noya hit me on my back again, and they dislodged from my throat. I started to try and use my arms to steady myself after I was done, but it only made it worse when pain went shooting up my left arm. I looked at it and saw a bone where it shouldn't be, along with my hand in the wrong direction. I held my arm and just put my head on Noya's shoulder. I was breathing heavily, and trying to stop a panic attack from forming, when the world just went dark.

I woke up a few hours later. We were taken to the hospital, where we were patched up. Noya had his lip sewed closed, and his arm relocated, along with Stitches and a mild concussion. I on the other hand wasn't so lucky, I had an mri done on my torso to make sure there was no damage from the flowers. As well as a metal plate in my arm due to a shattered section of the bone. I got a few stitches on my head, and a few on my arm, I was left with a major concussion, not surprising considering I went through a car window.

We were brought home by an ambulance, and on the drive back we began talking. "Well that hospital visit was uneventful." Noya said as sarcastically as humanly possible. I began to laugh, and he quickly joined me in laughter. We were dropped home, and we went straight to bed. Instead of taking another bath, we just went to bed in our boxers. I climbed in bed, and Noya followed me. He snuggled up to my chest, and despite how tired we were, we just couldn't fall asleep. So we talked. "Hey Asahi? Who, who is it?" Noya asked me out of the blue. I took a deep breath, and decided to say it was Michimiya, the 3rd year captain of the girls volleyball team. "It's Michimiya, I've liked her since 2nd year." Noya just nodded then continued, "what if I tell her you like her, then if she says she likes you too then problem solved. Also, do you know what flower you have in your lungs?" I shook my head. "They're Texas bluebonnets, they only bloom a few weeks a year, in March, but they have always been one of my favorites." I nodded, and responded with, "They are really pretty, but about telling Michimiya, you can tell her if you want, if she says yes then great if not oh well, everyone's gonna die anyways. I don't know if we should go back to school tomorrow though, maybe go back next Friday?"

After a few seconds Noya nodded, he put his head on my chest and started to play with my hair, he eventually fell asleep. For the next 6 days, we stayed home. Multiple times I vomited up blood again, and got a cough stuck in my throat. Noya took care of me, and I took care of him, my Hanahaki only progressed though. I figured that the day we go back to school I only have about 4 days left. And the reason I was progressing so fast, was because I was constantly around the person I love. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't helping that we were sleeping and taking baths together, Noya had that idea by the way. When we finally did go back to school, well, it was interesting to say the least.

"Hey asahi~ time to get up~" is what I was woken up to, it was noya, he was my human wake-up alarm. I groaned, and sat up. He was wearing one of my t-shirts, messally tucked into some of my jeans, I lightly blushed at how cute he was. This only lasted a second however, because I began to cough. I walked over to the bathroom and coughed up a single flower. A full flower. I was right, I only have a few days left. I flushed the toilet and went to change. As soon as I had actual clothes on, we left the house. I live close enough to Karasuno that the walk is only maybe 5-10 minutes. But today it seemed to drag on. I'm going to have to figure out how to get Michimiya to fake date me, hide my coughs from Noya and literally everyone else, and on top of that, I have to figure out how to get kidnapped or something so that I just go missing and they don't think that I was hiding who I actually loved. "This is gonna be fun." I muttered to myself, Noya made a "hm?" noise and I just replied with "nevermind. Ignore me."

Helloooo there may only be like 3ish chapters left just cause I made these so friggin 'long 😂 also the car crash may seem unnecessary, but it will come back later, I guarantee it, and uh, Asahi won't be having a good time 😅 sorryyyy! Also the chapter name is like that because of the car crash that happens to Strange at the beginning, and it ultimately triggers a cascade of effects, some good, some bad. But uhh, mostly bad 😂

It's Just a Cough (AsaNoya) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now