Chapter 1: The Alicorn Colt

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One day in the EverFree forest a young colt was born. But, There was 2 things about this colt One, He had "no parents" somehow Two, he was born as an alicorn

He spent his days inside the Everfree forest where he would spend time with the animals in there. He never really encountered any monsters because he would usually sit in a cave or in a tree

The small colt was walking in the forest one day to hear a voice humming next to the forest . He started walking through the bushes and peeked his head out barley,

What he saw was another pony?

It was a yellow mare with pink mane and tail with a cutie mark with some butterflies on it.

It was a yellow mare with pink mane and tail with a cutie mark with some butterflies on it

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He cocked his head in confusion to the humming mare. The mare was petting a white bunny in his eyes closed. When the bunny opened his eyes he saw a little bit of the colt

When the colt noticed this he ducked back into the bushes. The bunny hopped out of the mares lap and hopped over to the woods

"Angel where are you going?" The yellow mare said

When the bunny hopped into the bushes he jumped right in front of the colt face to face with a confused look on his face both stared at each other and the bunny saw what the colt was

Alicorn Colt: Uhhh...Hi?

The bunny hopped out of the bushes and back to the yellow mare with wide eyes

"Oh my gosh angel why'd you run away like that you shouldn't go into the Everfree forest" The Yellow mare said solemnly

The bunny started making noises and get pointing toward the bushes

"A colt is in there?"

Alicorn Colt: (Awwwe what a snitch!)

The bunny nodded

"Oh Angel there would be no way anypony would let somepony as small as a colt in the Everfree forest im pretty sure you just saw a different animal"

The bunny deadpanned at the yellow mare

"lets just go back inside Angel its getting dark"

When the colt heard that he looked up to see it really was getting dark. He walked more back into the forest and into a cave where he saw a bear awake, the bear looked at the colt and smiled. The colt walked up to the bear and sat next to him, the bear gave him some apples he had found while scavenging for food

Alicorn Colt: "Thank you Mr. Bear"

He ate it, laid down and yawned. He decided to go to sleep and that's what he did. The colt snuggled up to the bear and they both went to sleep

The next morning the colt set hoof out of the cave rubbed his eyes and yawned. The colt kept on walking and walking to where he saw a whole bunch of animals jumping around together

 Equestria's Alicorn Colt Where stories live. Discover now