Two hours of Twoness

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Somehow two hours have already passed in this weird dimension... TWO LITERAL HOURS!Let's just say that whilst some of them like Seven, Five, Eight and Ten were slowly starting to get used to the environment around them. We sadly couldn't really say the same about Four, Six and X since well Four currently is upset at the fact that he keeps on making mistakes, Six literally feels uneasy about being here (kinda as if they've been in this area before...) and X still is in quite a lot of disbelief.

It wouldn't be so bad if they knew some way to get out of this weird place but their hopes had already been crushed at this point because Seven said that they couldn't bring themself as well as the others back and as soon as those three heard those words it just made them more worried. Also considering the things that have happened in the span of two hours is concerning for those three but particularly Six, why you may ask? Well you see Six had literally gotten zapped in their right eye, have someone they trust most likely mislead them and almost had a panic attack from the new world.

Speaking of which during this moment Six was sitting on the ground gazing right into space, was it true that Eight had lied to them? As the clock on the watch kept on ticking second by second it just reminded Six of the fact that this felt so unreal... As if it was a vivid dream that they'd wake up from any second now, however they knew that wasn't true since they would've opened their eyes by now.

They just softly mumbled to themself things so quiet that barely anyone could hear the sound of their voice, looking at the floor and then the roof and then the floor and back to the roof... this process continued until their eyes were mainly focused on the clock. The way it kept on ticking, the way it just symbolised how long the blue haired individual had truely spent here, it was even nerve wracking in a way...

They felt the sounds get louder and louder and louder AND LOUDER AND LOU-

"Hello... Six?" it was Eight putting a hand on Six's shoulder, he had realised that they had been hyperventilating without notice. You see this wasn't too good, after all they had a bad feeling that he had lied to them. Six little by little turned their baby face towards him, obviously not wanting to but feeling like they didn't have the option not to they did exactly that.

"Oh... hello Eight..." they replied with a gloomy tone of voice whilst rolling their eyes, this was the worse type of scenario ever for them. Why couldn't it be Nine speaking to them right now? Actually even better why couldn't NO ONE speak to them right now? Six didn't like to be seen as miserable, they knew that some of the algebraliens mostly knew Six from being a rather irritable person. Well they weren't AS irritable as Five since they do have their fun moments every now and then.

"Ugh listen, I'm not entirely sure if you're trying to help me so could you know... leave me alone for now? Or you know get... N-Nine I guess?" Six crossed their arms trying to not make any eye contact with Eight, they really didn't want to see his face right now. This clearly alarmed him and made him ask even more questions which was the complete opposite of what Six wanted...

"I don't know what brought this on Six?"

"Well... UGH IT DOESN'T MATTER OK? It's nothing that you want to know alright..." and well Six wasn't entirely wrong, it wasn't really the best thing for someone to know about. They genuinely didn't enjoy acting like this but it really did feel like this was the only way that they would be able to deal with Eight in this moment. They just made a hand gesture that was supposed to resemble telling someone to go away.

Fortunately for them Eight did exactly what they wanted which really was such a relief for the blue haired fella, Right in this time the only thing that they wanted was for barely anyone to talk to them pretty much.

They just stood there in silence thinking hard about why possibly did this place feel so uncannily similar, as if they had actually lived here in a past life or something... After some time they just decided to leave it as it was, maybe it wasn't worth getting stressed over something that they couldn't find the answer to but still... there had to be SOME reason... right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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