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"Fourrrr!!!! I know you're tired, you always find the most random stuff funny when you're sleepy!" X giggled underneath the tree that he and his closest friend Four were sitting under, the pair both were observing the stars in the sky but for some reason Four was laughing at it.

Right in this moment the yellow variable sat with his legged crossed besides Four, appreciating his presence (even if it really was just him laughing at literal stars which actually didn't make much sense to X). These two had known each other for many years and for both of them it always felt like something was missing when they weren't together.

Since they're very close, there's not that many things you can name that they haven't done with one another I mean... they've both hosted a show, have baked together, have watched movies together, have had random little conversations together and to top it all off they even live together.

"STAR GO TWINKLE TWINKLE BRRRRR" Four exclaimed excitedly pointing straight at a star that looked more yellow than the rest

"Four I-I still don't really understand what you're on about..." X just pat his friend on the back hoping to calm the integer down a bit but that only made him chuckle even more.

"I'm saying it's you X you're the star, I'm surprised you didn't get it!" the blue fella explained to them with a huge smile on their face, an actual genuine smile that X enjoyed looking at.

"Awww Four... that's sweet haha, you're ummmm... the- the... oh... never mind I can't think of anything..." the variable sighed a little in disappointment, wishing that they could've complimented him just then since it wasn't often that Four actually did that for them.

It wasn't like they hated X it was just because Four rarely got the opportunity to do so because most of the time others are around the pair which usually makes him get embarrassed saying that kind of stuff but...

When it was just him and X... he felt much safer, much calmer. It was as if he had some power that made the integer do that, obviously that wasn't actually true but they really were the one Four trusted the most. He actually felt like he could be himself around him because he knew that X wouldn't judge, with the other algebraliens he was worried about judgement slightly.

"Anyways Four, maybe it's best if you get some rest... your eyes are telling me that you're trying to force yourself to stay awake and well I want the best for you!" X went slightly closer to the blue number and held his hand, which made him hide his face using his right arm

"No no no it's fine!!! I-I-I genuinely a-" Four was about to continue rambling X stopped them beforehand

"Hey hey it's ok buddy! If you want you can you know... lie on me!" Four actually didn't seem upset by that idea but the thought of others seeing embarrassed him dearly.

"NO NO NO I DON- wait no I meant... i'm alright thanks I-I- uhhhhhh..." the blue number literally didn't know how to respond, they were so flustered that they couldn't even think properly. This was a rather rare occurrence for him but whenever it when it did happen it was nearby X. He may have spent many years with his little yellow buddy but that didn't mean that he understood why Four felt like that around him at times

"Ok Four... I understand! We can just go to bed if-"

"NO NO IT DOESN'T MATTER I-I-I ACTUALLY DO WANNA DO THAT! I JUST... DON'T KNOW..." X chuckled a little, it was quite a surprise to see the usual chaotic Four so flustered all of a sudden.

"Go on then... I'll leave you to it Four!" the blue number started to doze off as he lied on X. now you see this was going to be a little problem, there actually was a 50/50 chance that Four would start snoring like mad however he didn't even know how loud he snored himself.

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