Meeting Spots

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I woke up at around 5:30 according to the pale pink clock that was sitting on my bedside table. It was far to early to assume that the other peculiars would be awake at the time; according to my research, most peculiar households don't start functioning in the morning until 6:30. I knew that if I went back to sleep now that I wouldn't want to wake up later so I decided to stay up until then. 

Only 59 minutes to go.

 I sighed to myself flicking the warm blankets that were wrapped around my frame to the side. I stood and walked over to the desk that was only 3-4 feet away. I look in the small mirror and grab the pastel blue hairbrush that rested next to Romeo and Juliet, which I had sat their just a few hours ago. I brush the hairbrush through my painfully noticeable multicoloured hair until it sat right. I look in the drawers that my desk has until I find a white ribbon. I tie my hair up in a half up half down ponytail, with the ribbon tied into a bow to hold the hair out of my face, well minus my silver bangs. I turn back to clock that was peacefully resting on my nightstand, 5:40.

50 minutes left.

Sighing again I go over to my new wardrobe, and open the doors that I had just noticed had pale coloured flowers and vines painted on them. I look at all of the dress options that I have for today, and pick a light blue one with fluffy looking tool making up the sleeves, the bottom, and the flower that was attached to a white leather belt; the tool being a ever so slightly darker shade of blue than the rest of the dress. I take off my white satin nightdress and throw on the blue one, careful so as to not ruin my hair. After I tighten the belt that went with the dress I pull out some white pumps, these shoes likely went with the dress as they had the same flower on them as the belt had, made out of the same tool as the tool that was on the dress. I put on the shoes and go back to the desk. My hair was slightly messed up at this point so I decided to slightly fix it again, not bothering to take the whole ribbon out, just brushing the hair that was not in the ponytail, and patting down some of the fly away. I look back to the clock and see that it was 6:00 exactly.

30 minutes until I can leave my new room, unless this group wakes up later than a normal group does. 

 To pass time I go over to the bookshelf that I had not taken a close glance at yet. I look across the shelves and see a few of my favorites. The Great Gatsby, Brave New World, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, The Call of the Wild, and even a less tattered up version of Romeo and Juliet. There were some books about peculiars and their peculiarities; though I've probably already read them, you can never be sure though so I pick one up, it was named 'Peculiarities and Why They're Peculiar'. Seems interesting enough. I go to sit back on my bed and glance up at the clock, 6:15.

About  15 minutes to go. 

With that I look at the front cover of the book and notice that it was a dull blue with dark grey spiderwebs on the corners, these however were barely noticeable. I open the book to see that there are 25 chapters, it will likely take me until 4 in the afternoon to finish if I started now. 

I read for about 25 minutes waiting for even the slightest hint that the other peculiars were awake and roaming about the house, but they didn't make a sound, not even Hugh from the room next door, or Millard on the other side of the hall, they made no noises so I continued reading.

At 7 o'clock a soft knock came from my bedroom door.

"Come in," I stated in a manor that was slightly quiet, not wanting to get on anyone's nerves this early in the morning.

A floating outfit and hat opened the door slowly, which would have been scary for anyone who didn't know an invisible boy named Millard.

"Good morning, Millard," I say looking up from my book slightly.

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