[59] When the Rain Comes

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13 APRIL, 2014


Loki watched the rain patter the window as he sat in his study with a book on his lap and his feet on the table. He had ordered his servants to place a throne in the library and promptly ignored Astrid's assertion that it was tacky. During her last visit to his dreams, she didn't appear to think it was particularly tacky when he was draped over it, naked.

He was reading one of her Midgardian novels, raising a brow at the obscene amount of sex and making multiple mental notes to interrogate her later about why he'd found it hidden behind her other books. Nonetheless, he enjoyed the image of a hearty blush turning her cheeks pink.

Loki tossed the filthy book aside and rubbed his hands over his face. He missed her dearly. Though they spoke often through dreams and whispered words at night, he ached to feel her soft skin under his hands, to heard her sweet laugh. But no, she was off fighting alongside superheroes and putting her life in peril for no pay. Loki rolled his eyes and slumped backward in his throne, throwing one leg over the arm. A second later, a knock sounded at his door. "Your Majesty?"

Loki narrowed his eyes at the sound of his lead seer's voice. "Enter," he said through gritted teeth, not bothering to fix his posture. Only his seers knew of King Odin's true identity, at great personal risk to Loki (and at great expense of his coffers).

Veira was the most skilled clairvoyant Odin had, able to persevere through the jumble of images in her visions to produce something clear: something many seers never figured out how to do before they drove themselves mad and blew out their brains. Veira entered the study with a pursed mouth and folded her hands in front of her. "Your Majesty," she said with an incline of her head. Loki raised his brow at the formality. She had lived long, and cared little for Asgard or Odin.

"Veira," said Loki coolly. "Long day?"

The wrinkles at the corners of her steel-grey eyes seemed tighter. "Indeed."

Loki's curiosity deepened. No smart reply, either. Veira must have truly dismal news for him. "I thought I made it clear I am not to be disturbed while in my study."

Veira nodded curtly. "Yes, Your Majesty. Unless-"

Loki's leg swung back over the arm of the chair and he stood swiftly. His cape made a dramatic sweep over his legs as he approached his seer. Veira did not need to finish her sentence. Panic was already rising in Loki as he realized why she had come.

Unless it has to do with her.


"She has been taken," said the seer. "By whom, I do not know. There was-"

Loki did not let her finish before the windows to the study blew open and the rain poured in, wetting the pages of his books. The flames flickering in the sconces blew out, and when he finally unclenched his fists, there were small moons trickling blood into his palms.

His voice, disembodied in the darkness, came from every corner. "I would have felt it."

"My visions do not lie," said Veira tightly.

"Your tongue is perfectly capable of it."

"And to incur the wrath of Your Majesty is to slice my own throat." Veira's eye twitched. "I do not lie."

"Tell me where she is."

Veira described her vision to him. Every image, every second, every glimmer in Astrid's golden eyes. At some point, Loki had grabbed hold of the table and splintered the wood. His body quivered with rage.

"Thank you, Veira," he said quietly. "You may go."

His ears were ringing. He did not hear her leave.

Astrid had died begging, and sobbing. She had died merciful, when she had every right to leave this world screaming at him for ruining her life. Loki looked out the open window, where the violent wind rustled the curtains, and made a choice.

The study emptied of all life. The king was gone.

And he would tear a path through the world until he found his Astrid.



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