Chapter 5

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Sorry for such a long wait on this update, but I was trying to finish two of my other stories and I had put the rest of my stories on Hiatus. Now they are done and I should be updating this more frequently now!

Enjoy this chapter!


March 3, 2014

Ok, so I know it's been a long while since I last wrote here. I've just been so busy lately and haven't had much time to write in here. I don't even have much time now, because I got class in about an hour, then I'm hanging out with Liam after, and then I got work later tonight. So, I'll just give a quick debrief of what my life's been like these past two plus weeks.

First off, the date with Liam went wonderful. It was a cliché date, but it was amazing. He took me to this nice Italian restaurant, where we fought over the bill, which he unfortunately one. He claimed that since he asked me out that he's going to pay. He goes on a whoever asked pays policy, which is a really nice policy if you ask me. So, whenever I ask him out I pay for the entire date.

I'm getting off topic. Anyway, I let him pay for both the dinner and the movie. He took me to some scary movie that I don't even remember the name to. The movie was highly unrealistic and way too gory, like people don't even bleed that much, I would know. The movie wasn't even close to scary, but I pretended to be scared so he can wrap his arm around me and feel like he's protecting me or something like that.

Like I said, the date went really well. So well in fact, that when Liam took me home that night, he officially asked me to be his boyfriend and I immediately accepted. I know it was probably a little soon to become official, but I really like him and he seems to really like me too. Plus I've never been in a relationship before and I'm really happy to finally been in one.

So, we've been going good these past two weeks. We've been hanging out whenever we can, both of us are really busy with classes and work and such. We've even been on a few more dates and had some pretty make out sessions. We haven't gotten further then that though because we've only been dating for a little bit and I'm nowhere near ready for sex yet. I've never even had sex.

Oh the irony of being of virgin stripper.

Secondly, the police found out that the cop that went missing, the one I killed, was at my workplace the night he went missing. They found out which of us were working that night and each of us had to be interviewed.

Thankfully, I'm a fantastic liar. I told them that I never actually deal with the customers first hand, that all I do is literally strip and dance on a pole. That the light on stage is bright enough that you can't make out facial feature and other such key characteristics. And lastly, I told them that so many customers come in throughout the night that it's hard to keep up with a single person. They bought it, hook line and sinker.

I wish I could have been there when the detectives told his wife where he was that night. Her supposedly straight husband was at a male strip club. I would have killed (pun intended) to see the look of mortification on her face.

In other news, his ashes have been the best fertilizer I've ever had. Seriously, my flower garden is coming in strong and beautiful this year.

Also, since the club is still being investigated and stuff, they had to close it down for a while. Luckily, my boss referenced me to another club in town and they are allowing me to work there until my club opens back up. Unluckily, this place isn't as nice as the other one. They don't have a no touching policy and they make me to private dances. It honestly upsets me and I can't wait for my original workplace to open.

Lastly, I've been taking on some extra shifts at the new workplace. I know what you are thinking, why is he taking extra shifts at this new workplace if he hates it there? Well, there is a good reason why actually.

My mom called me and she wants me to come visit around the time of spring break, which spring break for my college is from the 15th-23rd. This is a really big deal for me because I haven't seen or her or the rest of my family since I was 17. As soon as I was old enough, I moved out of the house and out of the country. I moved out as soon as possible because I was a risk at the time and I didn't want to risk hurting her or any of my other family.

I feel more in control now, so I agreed to visit. I've missed her terribly and I'm so excited to see her. That's why I've been working a lot more lately, I wanted to make sure I have enough money for the trip. I almost have enough too, I just need to have two or three more good nights at the club. The upside to private dances is more money.

I asked Liam if he wanted to come with me, but he told me his entire family was going to get together for a family reunion that week. It's probably better he said no anyway, it's too early to start meeting the families.

The only bad side to all of this is that I've been under a lot more stress lately, especially with the investigation with the cop's disappearance. It's been putting a strain on me and I have, sadly, been getting the urge to kill again. I'm not going to though, because I really want to try to stop this horrible, nasty habit. I'm really confident that now that I have started dating Liam, the urge will start to go away. Plus, I'm the urge will go away once my stress goes away.

I got to go now, I promise to write more in my next entry. Bye-Bye lovelies!

Niall Horan

Current status: 11 dead: 9 men, 2 women

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