Chapter 2

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" Riley, come on! Let's play." She said, laughing. And she was there at the end of his bed with a knife that she carried. She was laughing like a maniac.

"No.! I don' t want to play with you.You're dead." He shouts. And there was a knock on the door. His mother comes in and getting really mad him. Before his mother can speak, Jenny rush over at her and stab his mother rebundantly. Riley could not believe what he saw. He was now scared. Riley screamed and run.

"No!!!!" he screamed then run to the front door. Jenny, on the other hand, is chasing him.

" Riley! Come here, I just wanna play with you." Jenny laughed. Riley ran as fast as he could to the front door going outside. He looked back and saw her chasing him with glowing red eyes. Just in time, Riley stumbled and fall. Jenny caught up with him.

"Hi Riley.!Let's play.. hahahah.. " jenny laugh.
And Riley screamed as hard as he could.

That morning, some police went to investigate the house of the Evans family to really know what happened to them. But no evidence was found. So they enclosed the investigation.
Years passed and another family move in at the same house. They had a little girl named Emily. Emily has no friends too. Emily went to the same park and just sat there at the swing. Thn, two kids appoach Emily. One with brown hair and green eyes, the other has a blonde hair with glowing red eyes.

"Do you wanna play with me" Emily asked them. The two looked at each other then back at Emily and nodded.

"My Emily" She said beaming. The two smiled and said " We're Riley and Jenny" the two smiled.. and you know that happens.. History repeat itself. Emily was never seen again.

its on a short story. hope you like it guys.

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