What The Hell?

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He answers the phone.

"Hey, mom."

"Park Chanyeol! Why do I have to call you to get to know if you arrived safely!"

"Mum, calm down. I just settled everything down. I was about to call you."

"Really? Then I am sorry baby boy but you know how easily I get worried about you."

"Mum! You know that I hate it when you call me like that." Chanyeol whines.

"Yes, my baby boy but you will ever be my baby boy and as long as I am still breathing I will call you like that."

Chanyeol sighs, he knows that he can't argue with his mother about something like this because she will always win these sort of arguments.

"I understand mum. I won't argue with you about this again."

"Good, you know that you only can lose. So how is it?"

"It's fine. The room is nice and clean but I have no roommate at the moment so I am kind of lonely."

"Oh, my poor baby. I hope that you get a roommate soon. How was the ride?"

"Actually... I don't know I slept the whole time."

"That is my baby." his mother laughs, "Always sleeping during ride."


"What is it now?"

"I'm not only sleeping when I am on a ride. I can stay awake too."

"Sure baby boy. Sure if you say so."

"I have to go now mum. I am hungry and there is nothing in the kitchen."

"Oh, you don't want to talk to your mother anymore? I am hurt."

Chanyeol's mother pretends to cry.

"Mum, I want to talk to more but I am really hungry."

"It's okay baby boy... When you promise to call me every day at least once."


His mother laughs into the phone again.

"I know I know baby. But please at least call me once a week."

"I can't promise that I can call you often but I will try."
"That is all I wanted to hear. Now go eat something but don't forget the vegetables."

"Yes, madame. I love you, mum."

"I love you too baby boy."

Chanyeol ends the phone call and grabs his purse.

Then he walks out of his room and down the stairs towards the streets.

Despite what is mother said earlier Chanyeol walks into a supermarket and buys himself a cup of ramen.

He walks towards the cashier grabbing some things here and some things there.

He is almost there when he hears a conversation.

He wouldn't mind them if the two guys wouldn't look so suspicious.

Chanyeol decides to walk towards the two guys.

He is not able to see their faces but something in their voice hooked him up.

"Why are we here?"
"What do you mean hyung?"

"I mean what I just said. What are we doing here?"

"Why? It's not like we are eating the stuff you will buy."

"Yeah, but you know that I love to go shopping..."

"I know. But you also know that I think that it is a waste of time."


"Don't yell! Someone could here you."


"Aish, it is okay... Let's buy some food and leave this place before Luhan hyung start to worry about us."

Chanyeol runs away when he hears the footsteps of two people walking towards him.

He doesn't want to get caught.

He is afraid of what could happen when they realize that the thing they didn't want the most just happened.

The silhouette of two men pass by and after five minutes Chanyeol decides that it is safe enough to come out of his hiding place.

'What were they talking about? They sound really weird. Like they are hiding from somebody'

Chanyeol walks towards the cashier his mind never leaves the conversation of the two guys he just heard.

'But why do I even care? It's not like I will see them again and I just moved here so I should think about things that are more important.'

"Hello, sir."

Chanyeol looks up into the face of a pretty lady in her 30s.


She scans in all the things Chanyeol wants to buy and says:
"34,54 please."

Chanyeol gives her the money and puts the things he just bought into a plastic bag.

"Have a nice day sir."

"Thank you. You too."

Chanyeol walks out of the supermarket.

He still feels weird because the conversation of the guys just keeps popping up in his mind.

Chanyeol walks back to his dorm trying to get his thoughts away from earlier.

The city really is different from the place he comes from.

Here are so many people on the street and they all seem to be in a hurry.

Nobody looks into the eyes of the others. All they do is talking to someone on the phone of looking on their clocks to see if they will make it to their appointment in time.

'I hope that I will never end like one of these people. I want to see what happens around me. I want to still care about the people I know and love.'

The people in the city don't see the beauty of their city. Every now and then comes a park where young people meet up to hang out.

Chanyeol is sure that the parks will look beautiful in summer as in winter.

The big trees that will keep the sun away from you so you won't sweat too much in summer but at the same time they will look like a winter wonderland during winters.

Finally, Chanyeol arrives again in his dorm. He walks into his room and cooks the ramen. He packs away his groceries and decides that he will take a shower.

After the shower, he will go to bed sleeping earlier because he doesn't want to be tired on his first they in college.

His last thought before he drifts of into sleep is again about the conversation in the supermarket.

'Stop think about it and sleep stupid mind. I will never see them again.'

Now Chanyeol may think that he will never see them again but he will soon realize how wrong he was...

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