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First things first, choose whichever template SPEAKS to you

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First things first, choose whichever template SPEAKS to you. Gives you the VIBE. it does not matter if its ugly or matches the genre or whatever - we will keep none of it leaving the STYLE.

I like the Witch one so i'm keeping it.

Now, if you move your pic a little, you'll notice the canvas behind it. Now this is an important time for you to choose the colour theme for you book. I always keep a black background and add on top of it. But usually white is cleaner and easier.

i deleted the picture so y'all can see better

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i deleted the picture so y'all can see better. Click on colour and choose your colour theme. 

Like so

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Like so. The purpose of this will be revealed later.

Now we can move on to the most crucial bit.

The cover photo.

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