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Yibo after gathering his courage just dialed the number of his husband which was answered after two rings as a manly voice answered the call, "Hello!"

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Yibo after gathering his courage just dialed the number of his husband which was answered after two rings as a manly voice answered the call,

Yibo when heard the voice felt something tingling inside him which made him quiet when the voice is heard again,

"Hello, is there anyone on the other side!"


"Yibo why are you acting like this. Speak up, man!" Yibo thought as he Motivated himself.

"Hello!" Spoke Yibo.


"Is this Mr. Sean Xiao Zhan speaking?"

"Yes" came an immediate answer and with the pause continued, "May I know who are you?"

Yibo listening to this take a deep breath as he spoke,


Yibo after speaking this just blushed as he used that surname for the first time though he is married to the person but he never felt the need to use that surname. And today after using the surname he is a blushing mess but when he doesn't got the answer from the other side he got a little bit afraid so he spoke, "are you still there?"

"Yes!" Came an immediate reply which makes Yibo happy and a little bit brave too so he continued "Actually I wanted to say something to you!"

"yes!" Came an answer.

Yibo hearing this took a deep breath as he spoke, "f...first of all, I want to wish you a happy marriage anniversary" as he waited anxiously for the answer of the other.

"A very happy marriage anniversary to you too, Yibo!" Came a calming reply and when Yibo heard the voice he felt something peaceful, something that calmed his soul in a way he can't describe.

"Thanks!" Said the voice and Yibo after this while fidgeting with his finger spoke, "I have a request!" And started waiting for the reply as he doesn't know what will the other say but when heard the reply,
"What can I do for you Yibo?

He immediately spoke, " I want to meet you today!" But when realized what he spoke he immediately corrected himself as he knows that his husband is a busy man so he with a stuttering voice spoke,
"I. I mean if you are free I want to meet you!"

"I am free Yibo!" Came a reply with a chuckle which makes Yibo curse himself because of his stuttering but when he heard the older he in his excitement spoke,

"yes, I am free, you tell me where to meet!" Said the person

"9:00 pm at cloud recesses cafe!" He stated Yibo as that is his favorite cafe and moreover he knows that no one will be able to trace him there.

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