CHATER 25 - PART 3(c)

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Yibo and Shizui after leaving the room left the mansion to only move toward the beach as Shizui was excited to go to the beach as he already has waited for more than he has expected to have his fun and since according to him he has been a good boy...

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Yibo and Shizui after leaving the room left the mansion to only move toward the beach as Shizui was excited to go to the beach as he already has waited for more than he has expected to have his fun and since according to him he has been a good boy now he wants to have the fun he has patiently waited for and the moment the young heir permitted him to have his fun he immediately dragged his prince gege to the beach and Yibo seeing the excitement of the little one just chuckled as seeing the boy like this he was taken back into his childhood when he also used to be this excited for his fun day and day before the fun day how he used to prepare for everything so that he doesn't miss anything on a fun day and as Yibo is thinking about all this he didn't even realize when he reached the beach with Shizui to only come out of his daze when he felt a tug on his chest.

Shizui who has reached the beach with the young actor started to pull the shirt of the young actor so that he can run to the place where he wants to play and Yibo on feeling the tug on his shirt immediately looked at Shizui who with his small fist is trying to push his chest wall and Yibo on seeing the cute action of the child chuckled as he spoke, "what happened Shizui?" and shizui on hearing this spoke, "gege leave Shizui, he wants to play!" And Yibo on hearing this let a laugh as he spoke, "Okay, champ!" And with this settled the boy on the sand and as soon as Yibo put Shizui down from his arms the boy ran to the shore where there are many fishes and as soon as the boy reached there he dipped his feet in the water as he let out a squeal followed by the laughter.

Yibo after putting Shizui down when saw the boy run to the shore with a smile followed him as he sat behind the boy so that he could keep an eye on the boy while he is playing there. Shizui after splashing water here and there for a few minutes looked here and there when his eyes caught hold of fishes which has been swimming near his feet and Shizui seeing this felt an urge to catch the fishes which are swimming nearby and as the thought clicked his mind he let a laugh as he bent at the level of the fishes to catch them but even after fifteen minutes he was not able to catch the fishes which made him pout as he looked at Yibo who is sitting behind him as he is watching everything with a smile and Shizui seeing this immediately moved toward him as he stood in front of him with a pout.

 Shizui after splashing water here and there for a few minutes looked here and there when his eyes caught hold of fishes which has been swimming near his feet and Shizui seeing this felt an urge to catch the fishes which are swimming nearby and as...

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