The definition of an angel

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Mj's pov:
I woke up in Timmy's arms with the sun shining through the window.Everything about this moment was perfect I had to pinch myself to make sure it was real.I went to grab my phone of the coffee table when I heard a groggily voice say "good morning beautiful"
I turned around to see a very sleepy Timothee with his eyes barely open and a little smirk plastered across his face.
"Are you taking to me?", I said with a cheeky grin on my face.
"Maybe", he replied laughing.
"Good morning to you to", I said giggling.
"What time is it?", he asked.
"Let me check", I said reaching for my phone

Mj's phone notifications and Lock Screen:


Thursday 12th November
                                               23m ago
Harry Xx: Madison I'm worried at least message me to let me know your ok.

                                                              1h ago
Harry Xx:Mj please your my best friend just tell me where you are and I will come to you just let me be there for you.
                                                              1h ago
nydailynews: Are Harry Styles and Mj Brooks back together AGAIN! or have they just ended a secret relationship?
                                                              2h ago
Harry Xx: Madison my love please I know I should of been there for you , I was just so angry and in my head.
                                                              2h ago
Nycpost: Timothee Chalamet seen comforting Harry Style's sloppy seconds moments after her and harry were seen to be fighting? outside a small cafe in the city.
                                                    2h ago
Harry Xx: Mj I'm sorry I was just mad yesterday please talk to me.
                                                              2h ago
Thenewyorktimes: Is Mj Brooks back? Where was she all this time? Is she with Harry or is Timmothee Chalamet the shiny new toy?
                                   2h ago
Harry Xx: Mj where are you?
                                                              2h ago
instagram:user-HarryandMjforever123:Hey Mj just wanted to let you know that I'm yours and Harrys biggest fan and I'm so happy your back together your the reason I believe in love!
                          3h ago
Harry Xx: 3 missed calls.
                                                             3h ago                
nycelebgossip: Harry and Mj back together?

I sat there frozen reading through the notifications on my phone and said " no no don't do this to me" , completely forgetting Timmy was there.

"Mj are you ok" , Timmy said in a concerned voice.

"Timmothee open the door I know she's in there I've checked everywhere else" , A voice shouted banging on the apartment door.

"Who the fuck are you" , Timmy said approaching the door.

"come on mate don't act like you don't know who I am" , the voice yelled aggravated.

"I swear to god man whoever you are you have 3 seconds to leave before I open the door and make you leave myself" Timmy yelled tensing up.

"1 ... 2 ..." , He yelled about to open up the door.

when I realised"Wait" I said running to stop Timmy from opening the door, I have to admit though , it was nice seeing him get all protective over me.

"Whats wrong Maddie?" , He asked stroking my hand which was now on the door handle.

"What the fuck did you just call her?", The voice yelled.

"Harry ?" I asked the voice behind the door "Is that you?"

"of course it is my love please let me in I'm so sorry about yesterday" , he said in a calmer voice.

I saw Timmy roll his eyes in the corner of my eye but he didn't say anything I respect him for that , not letting his own emotions get in the way.

i hesitated letting him in and seeing what he had to say and as much as a part of me wanted to ,  something stopped me maybe the fact that my emotions were all over the place from waking up to a 100 notifications on my phone about me and Harry or maybe i was still mad from yesterday or maybe just maybe it was because i felt safe with Timmy like we were in our own little bubble with no problems just us two disconnected from the world.

"Harry please just leave" , i pleaded.

"Seriously your going to choose him who you've literally just met over your best friend?", Harry asked.

"His name is Timothee and i'm not choosing anyone i have just woken up with multiple messages from you and news websites and random people on instagram then you come banging on the door i still haven't processed last night so sorry if i'm not 100 percent with it and not ready to have a full blown argument as soon as i wake up!" , i said yelling.

"whatever i hope you two are happy  , don't invite me to your wedding" , Harry yelled as is voice became quieter and distant.

My hand was still clutched onto the door handle as i pushed my back against the door and slid down to the floor. Why me ? Why can i never have anything good in my life without it turning to shit. I tilted my head against the door i hated how weak i was making myself look in front of Timmy i never let myself get like this was Men not for ages anyway.

"Hey can you hear that?" , Timmy said sitting beside me on the floor.

"Hear what" , I said confused.

"silence I think he's gone" Timmy said laughing , bless him I could tell he was trying to cheer me up but I just wasn't in the mood to laugh or to do anything i just wanted all this drama to stop. So I plastered on a fake smile looking at Timmy. But I don't think he bought it.

" Right bad timing?" , He asked.

"Just a bit" , I said.

"yeah I've never really been good with that" , He smiled.

"So ... do you wanna talk about it or?" , He said scratching his head , he seemed almost nervous.

"I don't know and even if I did want to I don't know how I know what I want to say in my brain I just can't form the words or a sentence to come out my mouth" , I complained.

"Maybe you should get a diary or even just a book to write down how your feeling" , He said smiling.

"Not that I have one though!" , Timmy said nervously laughing.

"Maybe" , I said. "But for now lets just sit here for a while" ,  I said resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes.

Timmy's POV:

"Ok beautiful" , I said tucking Maddie's hair behind her ear as she closed her eyes. I wanted to kiss her so bad I almost lent into to give her a little kiss on her forehead but I didn't want to startle her.

I woke up lying on the floor with maddie in my arms it took me a minute to remember what had happened and realise it wasn't all a dream.
I slowly stood up , whilst carefully lifting Mj on to the sofa and swaddling her in a fluffy blanket , I couldn't help but just stare at her I know that sounds a bit stalker ish but she was so perfect and I couldn't believe I was lucky enough to find her she was the definition of an angel and I had to take her and all her perfections in why I could in case it was a dream that I could wake up from in any second.
I grabbed my phone to check the time it was 1:15 just a little bit past lunch time.I called one of my body guards "hey Jake sorry I know i said for you to take a few days of but would you be able to come over to mine I'll only need you for an hour max" , I asked.
"I'll be right over" , Jake replied.

Around 15 minutes later I heard Jake knocking on the door I let him in and explained what i wanted to do and told him I needed him to stay with Mj why I was out , no way was I gonna leave her on her own after what had happened.
"Alright I'll be back in a bit" ,  I said grabbing my stuff "help yourself to whatever , just try not to wake her".
"Got it don't wake sleeping beauty" , Jake answered.
"She really is a sleeping beauty" , I replied closing the door behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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