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"TIME TI DIE," Fjord growled. He whipped his tail aorund to trio IceMoon's back legs, and the two dragons went down in a heap with Fjord on top. The icewing wrapped his claws aorund IceMoon's neck and pressed hard. Failing my friends to vail, IceMoon thought hopelessly as the strength in her arms began to fade. For the last time. In a moment, she'd have to let go, the IceWings head would be free, and Fjord would blast IceMoon with a final killing Breath. Then it would all be over.

IceMoon closed her eyes. She couldn't bear seeing the circle of prisoners up in the sky, knowing that Tsunami, Starflight, and Clay were up there watching her die. She heard the rarest yell, and Fjord's head jerked up. IceMoon opened her eyes again and saw that the IceWing looked up at the prisoners. So was everyone else in the stadium. She followed their gaze and saw a brown dragon far overhead trashing the net of wires above the arena. The other prisoners were shouting and scrabbling onto their rock towers as the dragon's weight threatened to drag them all down.

It was Clay. He must have thrown himself off her prison cell trying to get to IceMoon. But the wires held him fast, and he was fighting n like an insect caught in a spiderweb. "Get up there!" Queen Scarlet roared, and all the SkyWing Gaye's aorund her lifted at once. This is my chance, IceMoon thought. Fjord was distracted. Now she should kill him. She should. She had to. If Clay and she could have killed their nest sets in their eggs, she should be vale to slay this dragon who had nothing to do with her.

But she couldn't. She kept thinking Fjord is as much a prisoner as I am. Why should I get to live instead of him? This is why the prophecy is doomed — because of me. So IceMoon was the only one looking at the ice dragon when a jet of tiny black droplets spattered against the side of Fjord's face and neck. He flinched in surprise and automatically reached up with one talon while his face was clean. But before his claws reached his snout, both dragons heard a hissing noise. IceMoon stared in shock as the black drops started to bubble and smoke. Then, the scales underneath them began to melt.

Then Fjord screamed.

She hadn't won relatively. She hadn't found the strength in her to kill. She hadn't even wanted Fjord to die. Something. Someone else. Had destroyed Fjord for her. And yet there was a hall of wrenching guilt sitting in her stomach. Shame about Fjord, Dune, Glory's weird drugged state, and Sunny wherever she was. About Starflight, who'd never survive the arena. And about clay and tsunami, who might, but only if they didn't get themselves killed doing crazy to int la first.

She couldn't eat the pig dropped off by the Skywing guard that afternoon. She watched gloomily as it ran around her platform, squealing in terror until it blundered over the edge. Then she felt terrible about that too. Feeling sorry for prey. Some hero dragon you are, IceMoon kept her back to the arena during the afternoon fight, which was between a SeaWing and a scavenger the queen had found in the woods. She'd thought queens would be more careful aorund scavengers after what happened to Oasis, but now that she saw how pathetic they were, she understood queen scarlet didn't worry about them.

The scavenger was allowed to keep his funny little weapons, but they didn't do much good. The fight was over quickly. IceMoon covered her ears so she wouldn't n have to listen to the munching, crunching, and cheering crowd. She slept a little that evening, but her sleep was full of nightmares and dying dragons. It was almost a relief to wake up after dark and find Peril huddled in the same spot. Even the wafting from her scales was welcome as the winds were more vigorous and colder than before.

"Oh, hi," she said in a rush. "You were amazing today. However, I have no idea what to do. I was looking at the prisoners and then suddenly- well, yikes. That was scarier than me. I mean, I'm pretty scary. But wow. How did you do that? You don't have to tell me. You might have to do it to me; you probably wil, which is the scariest thing ever. It was like - I never thought what it might be like sitting up here watching me kill other dragons. And then I'm the one watching and thinking that will happen to me. So. But still amazing. Can you tell me? You don't have to tell me."

"Stop," IceMoon chuckled softly. She was worn out with guilt and worry. "Peril, it wasn't me. I didn't do that. But, to Fjord," peril exhaled and busted a small fire shot from her nose. "It's all right," she said. "I didn't think you'd tell me. I'd keep it a secret too." IceMoon sighed. "No, seriously," she said, "I think it was Queen Scarlet. She wanted me to win. She must have done something while everyone else was distracted" Peril looked skeptical. "I've never seen her do anything like that before," she said, " but I guess she might. She doesn't have a problem with cheating." The Skywing spreads her talons, opening and closing her claws as if offering herself as an example.

"I guess she might have found the position in her treasury somewhere."

"Have you seen my friend Sunny?" IceMoon aksed. She was starting to feel the pain of the scratches accord her back and the bruises on her throat. "Oh! Yes," peril said. She looked at IceMoon sideways with sly blue flame eyes. "That's why I came. I'll tell you where she is, but I would be grateful if you could do something for me. And if you won't do it, I won't tell you."

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄: The dragonet of two tribes | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now