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She hissed, and a jet of black liquid shot out of her two longest fangs. Burn shoved Queen Scarlet in front of her and shot into the sky. Glory's venom hit Scarlet on the side of her face. The Sky wing queen began to scream.

✍︎CLAY'S POV✍︎  

ALL THE DRAGONS TRIED TO TAKE TO THE sky at once, crashing into one another and clawing viciously to get away from Glory and the screaming queen, "wait!" Peril grabbed Clay as he jumped away from her. She reached up and touched the bindings on his wings. They broke apart instantly, and his wings were free for the first time in the sky kingdom. "Thank you," he said, lifting off. The guards on the balcony had all scattered after Burn, so when Clay landed next to Glory, there was no one left but him and her and Tsunami and Queen Scarlet, who was beating her head with her wings and staggering toward the edge.

"Glory!" Clay cried, "you're awake!" "Of course I am!" She flared, tugging on Tsunami's chains "you couldn't tell I was faking? I was waiting for the right moment to do something. Did you seriously think I was asleep this whole time?" Clay was silent, and Tsunami came to his aid "you looked pretty asleep," she said. Glory sighed "well, that's great," she said, "for the first time in my life, I pretend to be as lazy as everyone thinks RainWings are, and you believe it. I'm glad my friends had so much faith in me."

"Well, you never told us you could do that, and I know that IceMoon and Starflight have faith in you," Clay said. He then pointed to Glory's venom-spitting teeth. Beyond them, Queen Scarlet crashed into her throne and screamed even louder. Her gold chain mail was starting to melt into her scales. "I never could before, and it's heartwarming to know that two do the smartest here acres about me" Glory said, "are you going to help me with this?" Clay grabbed the marble tree and levered it under Tsunami's chains. "So, how did you do that?" he asked. "Oh," Glory said, "well, there's a logical scientific explanation, and seriously, right now, youwant to have this conversation?""You scared off Burn, but she won't stay gone for long," Tsunami pointed out. Clay gave the sky a worried look. "Peril!" he shouted. "Get over here!""No!" Tsunami said. "Not her! Keep her away from me!" "We need her help," Clay insisted as Peril landed beside him. "Their chains and bindings,"he said to Peril. She hesitated. "Please," he added. "If you are IceMoon's friend." 

"All right," she said, glancing at Queen Scarlet. She touched the chains around Tsunami,and they broke apart, collapsing with great clanking sounds to the balcony floor. Clay held hisfriends' wing bindings away from their scales, and Peril burned right through them. "Now we get Sunny," he said, leaping into the sky. 


PERIL REACHED SUNNY'S CAGE FIRST. Clay saw Sunny peering through the bars, trying to figureout what all the noise from the arena was about. Then her gray-green eyes landed on Clay,and her face lit up with joy. "I knew you'd be all right!" she cried as the three dragonets nosed her through thebars. "I knew I shouldn't have worried. I just kept thinking about the prophecy and how wecan't die because we have to stop the war." she then looked around for a certain someone and frowned when she didn't find her. "wheres Starflgiht and IceMoon?" she asked. "Morrowseer took them both," Glory said. "What?" "Stop that," Tsunami said, hitting Glory with her tail. "Glory means that they're both fine. Better than us, especially once the dragons stop panicking and startlooking for us. Let's head for the river." She banked around toward the cliff, scattering clumpsof rusty blood-red sand from her wings. "But — why?" Sunny asked. She caught one of Clay's talons and stopped him inmidair. "why would he do that?"

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄: The dragonet of two tribes | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now