A Thousand Years

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Author's Notes: Helloooo! I apologize for updating later than I usually do. This a very long chapter and I hope you read it till the end. Happy Reading✨
🎶A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
I, the fourth prince of the L/N Kingdom, am waiting for my impending doom.

In the very hands of the woman I love.

I look up to the heavens to think of the things that have transpired and to ask myself the question...

Where did it all go wrong?


It was the celebration of the King's birth. A joyous day for the whole kingdom, which is why I decided to snuck out of the palace while everyone was busy doing their own duties. It was pretty chaotic which is why sneaking outside was pretty easy. Even for a sickly prince like me.

As I walk through the streets, I accidentally bumped into someone, before I fell down the person was able to catch me. How embarassing it has been, after all I was saved by the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life. And it was the same time where I first fell in love.

Days passed and once again we met, but it was at the palace courts where we discovered each other's identity.

Princess Jennie Ruby Jane Kim.

A princess from the neighboring kingdom and she found out that I was the fourth prince.

But none of it matters.

Soon after we became friends. Visiting each other, we spend the whole time talking about various topics. She would tell me about her life back at their kingdom and I would tell mine, not as much as she does though. We would talk about books we have read or plays we have seen. I would often give her flowers, and she would accept them whilst giving me the sweetest smile. She would tell me her hobbies and I would watch her smile grow wider as she told me those. Every time, I try to make sure that I will remember every little detail on our encounters: the weather, her beautiful dress, her breathtaking smile, and the rapid pounding of my heart.

I had to since all of it were done in secret.

Though I was a prince, I am nothing in comparison with my older brothers. My body was extremely weak, which is why I can't do swordsmanship like the first prince. I wasn't intelligent enough, unlike the second prince. And I wasn't gifted in arts like the third prince.

In short, I was a good for nothing. A person whose existence wouldn't matter. Whether I am in the picture or not, things would stay the same, or it'll be so much better. But since meeting her, I began to feel like I, too, wanted to live. I wanted to mean something to someone.

The princess, was also a lot different than I am. She has all of my brothers' gifts. A talented swordswoman. An intelligent mind. A person gifted in arts.

But she was kinder than anyone I have known. She has a big heart. Which is why I cannot help but fall deeper in love with her.

Time passed, and an unprecedented event took place. Or was it not?

The King announced my brother, the first prince's, engagement, and who else would be a better candidate, aside from the most perfect woman in the entirety of the world, which happens to be my friend and my first love.

That very moment, my world fell apart.

The dreadful day came came but instead of a wedding, a massacre took place.

We were attacked by the army of the neighboring kingdom. The same kingdom where the princess came from. I saw how they killed my father and mother. I saw how my brothers fought, the way they kept telling me to get to safety and that everything will be fine. Which is obviously a lie.

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