Moving Closer

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🎶Moving Closer - Never The Strangers
"Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 112 to South Korea..."

I am currently at the airport waiting for my flight, its been a year since I have seen my beloved girlfriend, Jennie. The two of us have been dating for four years, and a year ago I had to go to New York for my work. We both promised to contact each other as often as we can, and we were able to keep our promise. I thought I would die without being able to see Jennie for a whole year, but she kept reminding me that its okay, and though she misses me as much as I miss her, we have to go through this. Its just for a year anyway.

We would often send messages or call each other. Always making sure to express how much we love each other and that we have to endure this as much as we can. After my flight I will finally be able to see my Jennie. And I swear I'll never go anywhere without her again.
Delayed. My flight was delayed. What the heck?! And there is no other direct flight.


"Hello? Nini? Look I am really sorry, my flight was suddenly delayed and there is no other direct flight and you see-"

"Okay, okay slow down babe. First of all, don't explode of anger okay? Keep calm. And I understand such incidents occur, don't worry I am not going anywhere. I'll be here waiting for you, okay?" She said. Hearing my girlfriend's soothing voice made me calm down instantly.

"Okaaaay. But, ugh, this is so annoying." I whined.

I heard Jennie chuckle. "Stop being a baby, just a little more push and we'll be together again. Don't do anything rash, you hear me?"

"I won't, I assure you that. I just... I just miss you so badly."

"I do too. So much." Jennie said in a sad tone "I'll make sure to pamper you once you get here."

"You promise?"

"Yes, yes."


"I love you. Be safe always, okay? Mwuah!"

"I love you too. And I can barely wait. See you soon babe!"

After the phone call ended, I was once again left with my thoughts. I am really lucky to have Jennie. Though others might think that she looks like she doesn't care, she really does. She cares deeply and I can always see it. She would often cook for me, plan dates and stuff. And she keeps me sane.

"Sir we are really sorry. But something happened and we are transferring you to a connecting flight."

I was about to argue again but I remember Jennie's words. Getting angry won't get me anywhere. Instead I accepted and once again waited. I already informed Jennie and she was obviously upset but she tried to hide it. She told me she's gonna go out with her friends and to make sure that I keep her updated all the time. And to make sure that I eat.

After walking around the airport, trying to take my mind off the anger that is once again rising I decided to simply sit down and look at our pictures together. Damn, I really miss her.

She looks really beautiful in all her pictures. Effortlessly beautiful. I cannot believe that this very girl is waiting for me back home.
After a dreadful time spent at the airport and the flight, I finally arrived at Incheon International Airport. But something happened again, and my luggage is nowhere to be found. Oh my goodness! What's with all the bad luck? I had to wait for hours for my luggage and it is really pissing off. The delays and all the other casualties I faced throughout the entire trip makes me want to just flip out but no. Keep calm. Says my Nini.

Jennie wasn't able to pick me up since she has work so I took a cab going to our shared apartment. And for some reason the traffic was congested. Like the hell? Seriously of all times? It has to be today?

Is the universe against me being with Jennie?
Finally, I was able to reach the apartment. I ran quickly towards the elevator since I am very much determined to be with her again. But you know what happened?

The elevator malfunctioned.

And I had to wait. Yet again. For the maintenance to fix it.
As I sat inside the elevator. I began to recall everything I have been through. Flight got delayed and ultimately been cancelled. Transferred to another flight. Oh and did I mention that as I was boarding the plane someone spilled coffee on my clothes, yep it happened. And the kid behind me keeps whining. And the guy across the aisle keeps snoring. The traffic was congested. And now this. But Jennie said calm down.
The elevator door began to open and they helped me get out of it. They said I can safely use the elevator right next to it, but I declined, I ran towards the stairs with my luggage. And as I arrived at our apartment door. I knocked. And I knocked once again. But to my dismay no one answered.

I have been held up way too many times besides it past 6:30 pm. Jennie should already be here. I entered the passcode and opened the door only to be met with the lights closed and the apartment looking abandoned.

My heart sank.

Where the hell is Jennie?

I then reached for the light switch and turned it on and what I saw before me is-

"SURPRISE! Welcomeeee home Y/N!"

Jennie alongside her friends Jisoo, Rosé and Lisa greeted me. They have prepared banners and food to welcome me home. I immediately engulfed my lovely girlfriend into a tight hug, not wanting to let go anytime soon. After all I went through this much is accepted right?

Jennie was surprised by my action but she hugged me almost immediately. She kept patting my back, she knows what happened after all. Just as Jennie instructed me, I updated her from time to time. I feel like all the burden was lifted from my shoulder as I was engulfed in a much needed hug from her.

Then, all of a sudden Lisa fake coughed and said "Sorry to interrupt the reunion, but I am pretty hungry right now."

"Me too." Rosé chimed in.

"Me three." Jisoo added as she raised her hand.

These girls really.

"Okaaaay. Come on let's eat now!" Jennie said as we all made our way to the table.

We took turns telling stories. I told them my adventures and they all laughed at my series of misfortunes. Which is kinda funny to be honest, after a few more hours the trio bid goodbye leaving me and Jennie alone. The two of us then settled at the bed and we cuddled right away. Being able to hug her again is like a dream. I really missed her.

"What an adventure you've got there." Jennie said her head resting on my chest.

"Indeed." I said with a sigh.

"I think that should be a lesson for you."

"A lesson to what?" I replied in confusion.

"To never leave my side ever again." Jennie said looking up to me while giving the most adorable smile that could possibly exist in the whole history of the world. I, once again, was left in awe as I stared at her face.

"You're absolutely right. I don't think I ever will." I replied as I held her closer than before.

I kissed her goodnight and as we both drift to sleep. Being this close to each other is all I ever wanted. If I have to went through all that again just to be with her, I'll do it. This girl is worth all the trouble after all.
A/N: Hello! I hope you like this one! Make sure to listen to the song while reading. Thank you once again!

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