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A/N: to the person who, in response to my bad writer block, said 'it got that bad?' thank you for convincing me to pick up the story again. I got rid of the lyrics because of two reasons: 1. it really hard to do the alignment and 2. they look tacky so. Enough of that, finally, after four years, here's chapter ten of Late Night Wonders.


"I'm flattered- I really am- and I like you too," You began with an awkward laugh.

Fuck, that made you sound like a prick.

"I am sorry, that came out wrong. I really, really, really, like you and I'm glad you like me." You finished

Okay, WAY better than last time.

Larry leaned in closer to you, your heart rate slowed; it felt like time stood still. Then, it happened.

"You know I was just fucking with you, right?"

Your heart breaks into a million little pieces. He was just joking? He couldn't be, right?

"Yeah," you laughed half-heartedly, "I knew, I was just keeping up with your joke."

You have got to be kidding me. After that, it was over. Life was back where you started, standing over your mother's corpse, feeling nothing once again.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick, I'll be back."

Larry nodded his head in acknowledgement and you walked out of the room, slamming the door behind you. It was just like before, the minute you had someone by your side, it comes and bites you in the ass; serves you right for letting your guard down. Then, you thought about Sal, an old friend of yours.

I wonder where he is?

You walk to the bathroom and silently close the door. You feel nothing, you can't cry or even whimper. It's a dead feeling. Before you know it, Larry is knocking on the door.

"Hey, you doing alright in there?" He asked.

You don't respond. Why should you after what he did?

"Cmon, seriously, you okay in there?" He asked again.

Once again, no response.

"This isn't funny y'know," He said.

You don't care. He doesn't care about how you actually felt. 

LATE NIGHT WONDERS || larry (sally face) x reader Where stories live. Discover now