The School Part 3.

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'animal speech'


Chapter 5: 

As Harry re-joined his friends an elderly Scottish woman told them and the rest of the first years to follow her as she guided them to the great hall Harry heard Hermione trying to talk to people around her. Harry actually felt sorry for the young girl she knew so little about the wizarding world all she had was books to go off. When they reached the stairs in front of a great set of doors the teacher, what was her name, oh yes McGonagall, told them to wait here while she went and told the teachers of there arrival. The second the door was closed a boy with sharp features and blonde hair which was slicked over introduced himself to Harry's sister, 'So it is true, Cecilia Potter has come to Hogwarts, a powerful person should know how to make powerful friends, I can help you there,' with this he stuck his hand out, 'I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.' This is where Harry decided to step in and once he had pushed his way forward, he hit Malfoy's hand down with his staff, 'Now now Malfoy what would your Daddy think if he found out you insulted the heiress to 3 ancient and noble houses,' Harry challenged and smirked as Malfoy went crimson, 'and also McGonagall will be back soon so if you could kindly move, some of us want to officially join this school.' With this statement Malfoy stopped blushing and moved out of the way and, as he pushed his way back to his friends, Harry heard a gasp and pre-emptively tapped his staff on the ground once but kept walking away, 'EXPELLIARMUS' Malfoy shouted as a red beam left Harry didn't even break his stride as the spell deflected of his shield and started travelling towards McGonagall as she opened the door she quickly batted the spell aside. McGonagall, now very angry, looked at Malfoy's raised and stated that what Malfoy had done had deserved an instant expulsion but as she was in a good mood it would be a months worth of detention and 100 points off of what ever house he ended up in. With that she led them through the doors into  the great hall, Harry and his friends hung close to the back and no-one noticed Harry tap the floor twice in one step except Daphne he leaned in and whispered in Harry's ear 'what did you just do Hadrian.' The fact that she had called him Hadrian already told him he was in trouble so he though he may as well have some fun before he lost his life to the blondes hands, 'If i told you it would ruin the surprise for everyone else, wouldn't it Daph' with this Harry winked , although this ended up looking like a blink due to his already closed left eye, and the students were told to wait for there name to be called and then they would be placed into a house. After Daphne Tracey and Adalhard were placed in Slytherin (Blaise was last on the list due to his surname being Zabini) Harry was excited when the N's had started to be called, if his compulsion charm had worked on McGonagall she would use Nyx as his first surname rather than Potter. The charm seemed to work as McGonagall called for 'Nyx-Potter, Harry' with this people started turning to each other phrases like: 'he looks different than in the books' and 'why does he have his left eye closed' along with a few 'why does he have that staff'. Limping up to the hat Harry turned towards the students and opened his left eye while also channelling magic to it, this made it look (to everyone in the room) like Harry had a infinite abyss instead of an eye, with a smirk Harry seated himself on the stool. 'Hadrian could you please lower your occlumency shields so I can read your mind' the hat said in a hushed tone 'It's okay ill lower them enough for you to choose my house, however i will not lower them fully we don't outsiders intruding on this conversation' with this the hat returned with 'It doesn't matter now Harry I already know what house you are going in due to that response' 'SLYTHERIN' the hat shouted to the dismay of the Gryffindor table and the utter joy of the Slytherin table except Malfoy and his cronies who just looked down at there shoes. As the group was joined by Blaise and they settled down for dinner Dumbledore made a speech about a restricted corridor and some rules but Harry was more focused on his sister and watched as she looked up with a sheepish grin and Harry quickly looked away as to not seem creepy. Boy what a year this is going to be Harry thought to himself as food appeared in front of him.

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