Corn maze

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One day I was playing video games when we got told we were going to a corn maze we drove for what seemed like forever then we pulled up to what seemed deserted we went up to the booth that said open no one so we went in anyway and we cept finding notes till we made it to the center and saw a person looking away we went up and turned him around to see a dead face with a knife in its chest we ran for th exit but it was gon it was as if the did not want us to leave we heard a voice then a scream and by that point a man was coming at us and as he but the knife up...... To be continued!!!


As the knife came down we dogged and ran in the only way out now were he came from some how we all got split up and could not find each other I found Leo then we heard scream we had to leave but were there was no more pathes then I saw smoke we cut through the corn and got there to a pile of ruble burning but not any ruble are car!!!! We had to run but were there was no civilization for mile then I remembered my phone I dropped it in the maze we had to go back be continued


We went in to find my phone wich could be any were so we got in and found it quick then after we found it we were stuck the car fire out all corn around us no were to go I heard a scram and called for Leo no reply he was gon no were in sight a ran anywhere but here was fine then I saw something so I went over and saw body then a man said behind me welcome to the collection!!!!

The end

Corn mazeWhere stories live. Discover now