Only Once | Jiper <3

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Credits to all1sh33 for the idea of making a book of oneshots! Check out her book about Jev <3

TW: Suicidal thoughts and suicide.

This one is written from Piper's point of view!



I feel hands shaking me, and I slowly open my eyes, squinting against the bright daylight coming from the open curtains.

Did I fall asleep?

"Piper! This is important!" I recognise the voice of Emily, looking at me with anxiety written all over his face.

"What is it?" I ask, already out of bed.

"It's Jentzen," Emily answers and I immediately feel my heart freeze with worry.

"Is he okay?" I ask.

Emily shakes her head. "He's just...gone. He left a note on the kitchen counter, and it's made us all really worried. I think you should see it."

I nod, already rushing down the stairs. I push past Lev and Elliana and pick up the note.


At first, I think that's all it says. Then I hold it up to the light, and see something written in faint ink.

November 17th 2019
Forever and Always

I blink. I read it again, and I can feel the tears brimming in my eyes. No. He hasn't.

Emily noticed my state and puts a hand on my back. "What's wrong?"

I look up at her, sniffling. "I think I know where we need to go. But we need to get there now."

After that, everything happens fast. We call Hunter and all get in the Jeep. He drives fast, running lights and speeding because I'm urging him to do so. We go to our normal viewpoint. Everyone's confused, there's no sight of Jentzen anywhere.

"Wait here," I say, and they all nod. I run to a bush on the side, and everything gives me strange looks. I can imagine they must think I'm crazy.

I part through the bush with my hands and manage to crawl through. My shirt gets stuck on a twig and ripped, but I don't really care. I stand up, and I see him.

My whole mind floods with relief. He's still there. Standing by the edge.

"Jentzen!" I call out to him.

He turns around, and I can see the pain in his eyes. I try not to cry as I see how broken he is. He gets ready to jump.

"If you do it, you know I'll be right after you," I say, trying to stay calm and not let him hear my voice tremble.

Jentzen laughs dryly and shakes his head. "No you won't. You'll go back to the others and have forgotten about it by tomorrow."

I take a step forward, and I see him look down and back up at me, hesitating.

"That's not true, and you know it," I say, trying to sound sure of myself.

He gives another dry laugh. "Do I, though? Do I?"

I sigh. "Look, I don't know what's going on with you. I don't know why you're acting like this. I don't know what happened. You seemed perfectly fine just yesterday."

He sighs as well. "Are you sure about that? Because last time I checked, you've barely talked to me in a week. You know, I used to think that we were better friends than that. But I guess not."

I'm crying now, because he's right. I have been pulling away. I have been spending less time with him. Because sometimes, our relationship just happens to get a bit complicated. But sometimes, there's more than just best friends. But I'm dating Lev. And I can't hurt him. So the easiest thing to do is to pull away. But I never thought that it would cause this. This is the last thing that I wanted. Even if, sometimes, the distance was easier, the closeness was always what I truly wanted.

I took a deep breath. "Look, all the apologising in the world isn't going to do anything. And of you don't want me to stop you, then I can't, because that would be selfish. Just because I need you to stay, doesn't mean it's what you need. But please! Just talk. Talk to me. I'm begging you. And if you still want to go then you can. But just give me a chance. That's all I'm asking."

I can see his face soften, and cross my fingers. He groans, and sits down on the edge of the cliff. I step forward and sit next to him. Just like we did on that day. November 17th 2019.

The thing with me and Jentzen is we rarely ever have time alone together. Most of our interactions are stolen glances, compliments disguised as pranks, fighting, insults (of course we don't actually mean them) and the like.

But this had happened just a week after we met. I hadn't met Lev at all, and Jentzen hadn't met the rest of the Squad. For some reason, he had taken me up to this viewpoint one day, and told me that it was one of his favourite places. I immediately fell in love with it too, as you could see all of LA, and at the time, even the sunset. Every time I see a sunset, I compare it to that one, and it's never as magical or as special. Maybe because sunsets were our thing, you know? But then he showed me this place. Of course, we took the Squad up to the viewpoint a month later, but never to here. It felt sacred, to some point. Ours.

We had stayed and talked for hours, sitting just like we were now. Staring at the sunset, just talking. At one point I had gotten tired, and had laid my head on his shoulder, and we had just sat in silence.

Which was what we were doing now. We were sitting in the edge of the cliff, legs dangling, my head on his shoulder, his arm around me. We hadn't said a single word to each other. We were just silent. I don't know how long we stayed there, but the rest of the Squad must be wondering what's going on at this point. But I don't care. Because right now, this is more important.

And just for a second, my mind accepts the possibility of love. Maybe it's possible.

But then it's gone, and I'm in denial again.

10 years later, Piper and Lev got married. Lyon was Lev's best man. Jentzen wasn't at the wedding. And Piper spent the night in tears.

Because she could only save him once.


Hah so that was that <3

Please give me feedback because I don't know if it sucks or not!

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