Jiper | A Close Call <3

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Credits to all1sh33 for the idea of making a book of oneshots! Check out her book about Jev <3

TW: Attacked, shot, blood and stuff, attempted sexual abuse (not detailed or successful) and swearing/use of foul language.

This one is also written from Piper's point of view!


He grabbed me roughly and pushed me against the brick wall. I let out a deafening scream, and he slammed my head against the wall and covered my mouth with his hand.

"One more word, bitch..." he trailed off threateningly, giving me an evil grin.

I felt the tears falling down my cheeks, and looked past him to see where Jentzen was. He was pushed against the opposite wall, and a gun was pointed at his chest. I gulped.

He tried to mouth something to me, but the guy kicked him hard in the knee and he doubled over in pain. I felt hands groping me and tried to pull myself away, but couldn't. I struggled against the hand covering my mouth and felt more tears excepting my eyes. The man was now covering my view of Jentzen.

I heard the sound of a gunshot and a loud groan, and immediately felt my whole mind full with horror. I held my breath, pleading with myself that what I thought happened just didn't. The guy groping me turned around to seee what was happening and was swiftly knocked to the ground.

Everything was a blur after that. I couldn't concentrate because of the fear, and I think the back of my head got injured because I could feel blood trickling down my back, and both the men were lying unconscious on the floor, and my eyes were so filled with tears that I could barely see. Jentzen grabbed my hand and we started running, as fast and far as we could. We stopped when we reached a park, and collapsed against the fence.

Sick from the mix of pain, fear and exhaustion I leaned over and threw up, and when I turned back around I could see that Jentzen had his eyes closed and was taking shallow breaths. He was covering the right side of his stomach with his hand, and I saw how bloodied it was.

I gasped, and a terrible feeling filled my entire body. No. He was turned away from me, and his breathing seemed to be getting getting shallower and shallower. I gently pried his hand away, and cringed. A bullet hole - shot straight through. I looked around desperately, trying to find something that I could use. I took off my sweater and wrapped it around the wound, applying pressure. Jentzen hadn't said a single world or so much as moved an inch. I couldn't hear his breathing anymore, and I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks. No.

I shook him, leaning down to hear his breathing. It was faint, and barely audible. With the hand that wasn't holding my sweater I fumbled around for my phone, grateful that our attackers hadn't come around to steal it yet. With shaking hands, I dialled 911.

"Hello?" I said into the phone, sniffling, looking back at Jentzen worriedly.

"This is 911, what's your emergency?" came the voice of the calm female operator from the other side.

"Umm..." I sucked in a deep breath, looking around. "My friend just got shot, and he's barely breathing."

"Okay, and where are you?" the operator asked.

"Well, umm, I'm not sure," I said, panicking. "Oh, right, it's, um, Hollywood Park. We're on the left side outside of the fence."

I heard the operator saying something in the background, before getting back to the phone. "Okay, I've sent an ambulance. Have you found a way to dull the bleeding?"

I nodded, and then, remembering that she couldn't see me, explained, "I used my sweater."

"Alright," the operator answered. "I'm going to hang up the phone now. An ambulance is on it's way. Hang tight, okay?"

I took a shaky breath as I removed the phone from my ear, the dry tears heavy on my cheeks.

In a moment of impulse, I reached down and placed a kiss on his forehead. I took his hand.

I heard a faint whisper, barely audible, but there nonetheless, "I love you."

And then there were sirens, and lights, and I couldn't remember anything more.


Yes, it's short, but I like it! <3
Feedback much appreciated.

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