The most unfortunate person

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(Vincent's POV)   Flower was asleep on my chest I gently nudge her off onto the couch I sigh and lean down and kiss her forehead as I smile as I walk out the door being very quiet I walk back to my house and I unlock my door as I walk to my kitchen I snatch a large kitchen knife I calmly walk to the woods behind my house I hop onto a fallen log and wait for a unsuspecting person to walk by so I can strike,

(A few minutes later)

I pick up on a set of footsteps I readjust my knife as I get ready to attack A man walks by I lunge at him lifting my knife the man turned around and tried to defend himself but I land some good hits he let out a loud cry I panic and stab him a few more times as I rush back to my house and as soon as I am inside I took of my bloody shirt I calmly start to wash my shirt I start to miss my flowers soft breathing and adorable cuddling quirks her soft warmth,

I walk into my bathroom and turn the shower on,


I walk back to where Mandy is Kira woke up and snarled at me I lean down and snapped at Kira "Shush you'll wake my brownie up!"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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