Chapter 5

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Zoe's POV

Phoebe was already in her seat when I came into English the next day.

"I saw you at the dance last night," I said sitting down.

"Don't remind me. I get the feeling you didn't enjoy it much either," she moaned.

"Not really, I didn't really know anyone but I hung around Olivia because I knew her the most but she is such a bitch," I sighed.

"You aren't allowed to tell anyone there who I am," Phoebe said seriously.

"How come?"

"No one there knows who I am and I kinda enjoy not being avoided like I am here."

"You have a point. Why do you even go?"

"My Mother forces me to go so that she can meet people."

Mr Johnson came in and we stopped our conversation and I think that I might have gotten Phoebe to open up a bit.

We are starting creative writing today. Creative writing is my worst unit as I can't get ideas to be able to write about. Phoebe started to writing as soon as we were allowed. I sat there for a minute wondering what to do.

"Phoebe," I whispered.

"Yeah," she said while still writing. We are allowed to talk I just wasn't sure if she wanted to be distracted.

"I don't know what to write about," I admitted.

"The easiest thing to do is to write about something that you know about," Phoebe suggested.

"Thanks," I said.

I managed to get something written that I was quite happy with. When class finished Phoebe didn't rush out instead had a conversation with me.

"Are you going to the school athletics meet on Monday?" she asked.

I had completely forgotten about it. Today is Friday so it is the next school day.

"I had forgotten, I'm going to be competing so I guess I'll be there," I said.

"I might come. If I do go I'll see you there," Phoebe said and left.

What was with the mood change???

 We had track training after school. Coach was informing us that because it is our meet we have to come in on Sunday to help get the equipment and set it up. He warned that I would probably take all day but I didn't mind as meant that I didn't have to spend all day at home with Mom and Sam.

Mom and Dad were both sitting in the lounge when I came in. I tried to avoid them but they noticed me so I sat down opposite them.

"Zoe, I know that you are unhappy with this arrangement but you need to talk to us," Dad started.

"Of course I'm not happy. I'm at my fifth school in three years," I snapped.

"It was what was best for your brother," Mom smiled.

"No it wasn't. At some point he is going to leave and not have you bail him out. Did you even think about me when making this decision?" I asked.

"Of course we did," Dad said.

"I'm sure you did. I'm not having this conversation until you tell the truth," I said leaving the room.

 I spent the rest of Friday and all of Saturday in the ground. Luckily Sunday came quickly so I didn't have to worry about talking to my parents. I got up early on Sunday and ran to school. Coach was the only person there. He was unfolding banners and laying them on the ground.

"Zoe, nice to see you here," he smiled when he saw me.

I helped him lay out all the banners as other people trickled in.

I was paired with Felicity and we were in charge of hanging all the school banners. We started by hanging our banner. It had our name in big gold letters. The other banners where very similar. Some of the art students helped paint them a couple of years ago.

Alex came along a few minutes later and helped us as we moved around. We had light conversations around school and athletics. We got directed to the gear shed after all the banners where hung. Mystery girl was in there and she was struggling with the high jump poles that needed to be set up. I helped her carry a couple of them out.

She gave me a small smile before turning away to help Alex and Felicity with the mat. We all set it up together before separating to do different activities. Coach let us go around four in the afternoon and I walked home very slowly trying to stop the inevitable of talking to my parents.

They were sitting at the table with Sam when I came in.

"Zoe, please come and talk with us," Mom smiled as I sat down.

I was tired and sweaty and I really didn't want to talk but I know this will be worse if I don't listen.

"Zoe, you have to understand that this move was what was best for your brother," Dad said.

"I know you have said over and over again but what about me. I am your daughter too," I snapped.

"Zoe, we know that. We are trying to look after Sam as well," Mom said.

"We had been there for six months. I had friends and a boyfriend and I love being there and being part of the athletics team," I said.

"Zoe, you are just being selfish," Sam snapped.

"You can't really say anything because you didn't have friends that you had to say good bye to," I snapped.

"Zoe apologise to your brother," Mom snapped.

"Why should I?" I snapped back.

No one said anything for a minute. I was glaring at Sam and he was glaring back at me.

Since no one was still saying anything I left and headed to my room.

 I sat with Alex on the field early on Monday. None of the other schools are here yet so we were all stretching on the grass. I know that everyone is waiting until the end so that we find out who mystery girl is.

"Any bets on who mystery girl is?" Alex asked.

"I don't know anyone well enough," I said.

"I have no idea," Alex said as Coach came over to push us into the stands.

The end of the day approached and so did the sprint events.  I got third in 100 and 200 again. We won the relay and then suddenly it was the end of the day. Mystery girl was standing in front of the crowd with her two friends from Eastside.

Tessa spoke first.

"I know her name. We first meet at some regional meet and became friends without realising what school we are at. I knew her best friend and since we all did athletics we became friends. When it came into the first meet in sophomore year we realised that we were at different school but we didn't care. I know her name but it doesn't matter. I don't care who she is," Tessa said.

"I pretty sure that everyone here from Southern School knows of me but no one really knows me," Mystery girl said.

"My name is Phoebe Evans," she smirked.

The place was dead quite.


Sorry for the short update. Who guessed that it was Phoebe?

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The Wise One


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