His voice.

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'Hmm, you got me.' I answered defeated.

'Yes Kate, the hiding of feelings of yours isn't that great yet, you've got to work on it.' Anne said.

'Haha, yes...' I answered again.

'Just tell me,' Anne said,' I can't stand you staring and thinking like this.' 

'All right, but I only trust you.' I said.

'OK, bring it on!' Anne said.

I told her everything that happened yesterday. She didn't interrupt me, she only nodded by some things I said. I just finished the conversation when the rest of our friends arrived and I gestured her to shut her mouth. Happily she also did shut her mouth. If I didn't tell her, I was maybe already broken from stress. Anne at least could keep me calm. Maybe even better then music does. Before the lessons started, I didn't see the boys yet. And during the lessons some teachers shouted at me because I didn't payed attention. Now there were a few more people noticing there was something wrong with me. 

During the break, Anne took me by my arm to walk around the playground. For a little while I hoped to meet them, but I gave up hoping soon after. We weren't going to meet them, I was quit sure of that.

'They aren't here.' I said disappointed.

'Are you actually sure you saw them yesterday?' Anne asked.

'Of course! You aren't going to doubt about me right now!' I said.

'Excuse me Kate, but it just can't be true that you saw them yesterday, and today they are like disappeared.' Anne said.

'Do you think I like this?' I asked her.

'No, but this is just to crazy to be true.' Anne clarified to me.

'All right, Anne, I don't want to wrangle with you now. I truly don't, I probably just made a mistake.' I said.

'Yeah, me either. So we let it pas with this?' Anne asked.

'I preferred that I didn't had to go trough these weird things.' I said.

'Doesn't matter.' Anne said.

When Anne let my arm go and run to the others - the bell signal went off already- I saw him again. The boy who got my eye yesterday. He came after me and I turned away. He came standing in front of me to stop me. 

'You were searching for me, not?' He said.

He had a super soft, special voice.

'Honest?' I asked.

'Yes.' He said.

'Actually I did,' I said blushing,' but I have to go, the bell signal went off, and I already have a bad reputation with my teachers.' I wasn't going to tell it was because of him and his friends. And I went to the classroom.

'My name is Louis, what is your name?' He shouted after me.

I wasn't going to answer. I was going to let him guess after me too now. I was going to hide myself towards him, so he couldn't speak to me anymore. But now, Anne didn't saw him. It seemed like he wanted to avoid her to see him. There was by the way nobody who could've heard our past conversation.

 The lessons were as boring as usual, I was only worring about the fact that Anne would never believe me. And about the place where I would hide during the break. It seemed very childish. A girl from the age of 16 that hides for co pupils... Weird.

At once it was break again, must be because of my thinking. My plan was to go to the toilets, and my explanation to my friends was that I wasn't feeling very well. Happily everyone believed me! Only Anne gave me a strange look, but she didn't said a thing. Now it was noon-break, but I would be fine. I sort like camped on the toilet.  It smelled awful, but it was OK. This was the strangest thing I've ever done before. 

Suddenly my phone went of, it was Anne. 

'Hello Kate?' She asked.

'Yes it's me. What's up?' I asked.

'There is someone standing with me, he's looking for you.' She answered.

-Ha ha the plan worked! He's looking for me!- 

'Ah, who is it?' I asked again. 

'A certain Louis.' She said. 'How are you by the way? Are you OK?'

'Is it urgent? And yes, I'm a little better.' I answered.

'He said no, but he just want to talk to you. I told him you're ill and you're on the toilet, but he don't want to leave me.' She said.

'Oh, tell him he better leave you. And I'll think about it if I'd leave the toilets. I answered.

'All right, I hope everything is OK.' Anne said and I turned off.

I decided to show my face. Louis had already announced to Anne. I walked to the table where our group usually sits.

'Ah there she is.' Anne said and she stood up from her chair.

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