Chapter 13; New School Day For Alex.

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A/N; I am having major love problems so im really sorry for the late uploading. My life is turning out like the book which is so freaki lol. Anywayz you guys are absoultley FREAKIN AMAZING! & If I could award all of you i would I swear =)

Vote/Comment & Share PrettI Pretti Plz :)

Xoxo; Sara


                      Chapter 13; New School Day For Alex.

Nicole Taylor's P.O.V

" DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My alarm rung.
Groaning and stretching my hand over I turned my phone off and crawled closer to Alex. I felt his hands wrap a bit tighter around me and I just realaxed untill I heard footsteps coming closer and my door slammed into the wall.
" MORNING SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!" James sung.
Alex flipped off my bed. " Dayum is this how you people here wake up" he yawned.
" James! I wanna sleep" I covered my face with the pillow and shut my eyes.
Untill I felt arms pick me up and sling me over a shoulder. " James put me down!" I yelled and pounded on his back.
" Come on it's time for Alex's first day. Wakey Wakey" James carried me downstairs.
Still pounding on his back I yelled. " Hey Im not even dressed and I bet im flashing Alex"
" Hey im good with the view im getting" Alex chuckled.
James muscles tightened before he finally put me down. " Fine go change then. Were gonna be waiting in the car."
Running upstairs I threw on a pair of jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. Untill I remembered Alex was now going to school with us and the whole thing with Jason and Blaire yesterday. So I changed my baggy shirt for a nice fitted over the shoulder top with a couple swipes of mascara and lipstick.
" Im done!" I sung as I jumped into the car.

James began driving and him and Alex had a light conversation as I disappeared into my mind. What was I going to do about Blaire?. Well one thing was for sure I would never trust her with anything or even be her friend at that, and how about Jason. Well I guess he's on my " Not Talking To" list too. Beside's  now I can focus on myself and James plus Alex . Even maybe get some other guys. One of them being Alex.

" Nikki. Hello you there" James hand was waving infront of me.
Snapping out of my one to many trances I nodded. " Mhm Yeah im here sorry."
" Okay good cause I need to go. Coach is having a meeting for us. So you have to help Alex. Okay?" James told me.
The smile on my face was probably more like an OHMYGAWD smile then just an okay sure smile.
" No prob"
" Okay I have to go now. Bye" He kissed my cheek and ran down the hallway.
I turned to Alex and grinned. " Your safe in my hands dont worry."
" Oh I have no worry." He smirked.
Linking my arm through his we walked toward the office. People were looking at me more then they usually do. Even pointing which I thought was a tad bit over the usual. But I ignored them and continued walking toward the office.
" So lucky you I get two classes with you." Alex said as he relooked his schedule.
" Yeah I know right" I giggled.
He chuckled. " Ha I would believe you if you were less sarcastic"
" Who said I was using sarcasm" I rose an eyebrow and smirked.
Turning to me he smiled. " Oh of course you weren't"
" Ha damn you figured me out that fast. Tsk Tsk." I stopped infront of his homeroom.
Tapping the wall lightly I said " Here's your first class. I come pick you up after class"
" Im a big boy I can find my own way." He smirked.
Saluting him I walked away and yelled. " Sure ya are."

Walking into class I ignored everyone's little whisper's and dirty looks. I Tried mainly focusing on the stuff written on the board and trying extra hard not to break down and cry. Eventually the class finally ended and I walked out and bumped right into James.

" Hey Nikki" He hugged me to his side.
James always brought a smile to my face. " Hey. How was practice?"
" Eh it was ight. How you doing?" We stopped infront of my locker.
Throwing my books into it I shut it and looked at James. " Im Suckish"
" Aw come here" He held his hands out.
Resting my head into his neck I sighed while he hugged me and patted my back.
" So your still pissed about the whole Jason lying, Blaire lying thing?" How did he know.
Lifting my head slightly I looked at James.  " How'd ya know?"
" New brother" He smiled.
Dropping my head back into his neck I mummbled. " Mmkay"
" So do you need to let anything out?" God he knew me too well.
Sighing I lifted my head and starred him right in the eye. " This day is so suckish and yesterday was even worser."
" Um well how about we go somewhere else to talk?" James looked uncomfortable.
I turned around to try and grab my bag but James grabbed my wrist and turned me around. " James okay just let me grab my bag. Whats up with you?"
" Nothing. Just forget your bag you can get it later. Please I need to go get water Im getting a fever." He held his head.
Touching his forehead It felt normal " Your fine James dont exageratte"

" No Nikki Im serious I think im coming down with something."  He began coughing.
Sighing I said. " Okay we can go to the nurse."
" Come on then."
Again trying to turn around and grab my bag James turned me around. " James whats wrong?"
" Nothing I just think we need to go now!!" He was gripping on my wrist.
Trying to turn around I saw panick on James face. " Nikki."

" WHAT!" I was getting impatient.
Looking sideways he grabbed both of my wrist's and firmly made me stand still infront of him.
" Nikki I love you." He smiled.
Rolling my eyes I smiled. " I love you too James. Now can I get my backpack!"
" No!. Oh god" He yelled.

Before I could even try to turn around I got pushed against my locker and James pressed his lips on mine. It took me a couple of seconds to take in what was going on. James was kissing me in public infront of everyone. In school. Finally getting over the shock I decided to kiss him back. It felt so good that it sent shivers down my spine. His hands went around my waist and he pressed me tighter against the locker. My eyes were shut so tight it hurt but the kiss was too good for me to care about my eyes.

Then It hit me I was in public infront of everyone. In school where everyone might not think were friends after this little mishap. Suddenly I heard everyone cheering and screaming. I didnt hear them before. Guess the shock shut my ears for a couple of minutes. James finally pulled away and he half smiled at me and scratched the back of his head.

" Um that was nice and all but where did it come from?" I nervously asked.
James bit his lower lip- meant he was thinking- and replied. " Its a shock kiss. Most guys do this sceniro when they really like a girl. Plus I couldnt warn you otherwise it wouldnt have been a shock kiss."
" Ohhh Okay. Did I do good?" Even though I didn't like Jason anymore I had to practice for the next guy to come my way and his name might just be Alex.
James nodded and for a moment he looked lost. " Um Yeah amazing."
" Thanks and now lets..." As I turned around to grab my bag the image I saw wasn't something I wanted to see.
Blaire and Jason kissing right there infront of everyone. About 10 lockers down. For an odd reason I just didn't feel crushed or somewhat of a true feeling other then disgust. Tighting my grip on my bag I began walking toward them.

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