Chapter 3; Old Tears

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Author's Note; Comment && Vote pleasee & shank you.. I need atleast 5 vote's and 5 comment's to upload the next chapter (:
Its really worth it so vote, Share, and comment..


     Chapter 3: Lunch Date.

" I never imagined you would like writting" Jason ate his fries.
Sipping my coke I said " How come?"
" You seem more of the cheerleader type"
" Well Im not, acutally im pretty quiet. My bestfriend's popular so it sort of reflect's on me" It was true.
" Ah I see, so you want to be a journalist, writer, critic? or what when you grow up" It was easy talking to Jason, I figured out his last name was Knight.
Just saying. " Journalist"
" So you like uncovering the truth about things" Jason smiled.
I nodded " Yeah sorta like that"
" Why dont you join the school paper?" He voluntered.
Why dont I?  " Um I dont know"
" You should, I am" Okay that was it.
I am sooo getting on the school paper now " Okay I will"
" Good, maybe we would be able to work on a peice together"
" Yeah hopefully" I tried eating a peice of fries.
Should have known not to eat right after stitches " Owww!!" I dropped the fries and held my mouth.
" Oh crap" Jason rushed off his seat and sat by me.
Dipping his napkin into the ice cold water he held it against my lip. " Just relax, Im sorry I should have rememebered and not let you eat the fries"
" Noo iff's ofay" Way to go Nicole.
Now I sound like a freak and look like an idiot " You sound cute" Jason chuckled.
" Reffey?" Awww, could he get any better.
Yes he could, if he had a tatoo oh lord I would die!. " Yeah, okay I think that's better"  
" Im such an idiot" I said while I tried smiling.
I probably looked like the friggin joker " No your not, its a mistake. Everyone make's mistake"
" Yeah true" He was understanding, sweet and considerate its like he was created out of my " Perfect Guy" list.
My phone began ringing " Im sorry" I said toward Jason before I answered.
" Nikki where are you!!?" It was James.
" Im having lunch, why?"
" You nearly gave me a heartattack, I've been looking everywhere for you"
" Oh Im sorry, I assumed you would go with your friends"
" Nikki dont ever do that again"
" I wont, I promise"
" Okay good, now hurry up the bell just rang. I'll meet you infront of the gym"
" Kay, I'll be there in a couple of minutes"
" See ya"
" Bye"
Sliding my phone back into my pocket I smiled at Jason " Im sorry but I need to get to class"
" Same here, come on lets go" He payed for our food and we walked back to the school.


The rest of the day seemed to drag on and on forever. Finally the final bell rang, and before I met James at his car I ran up to the office, signed my name in for the School Newspaper and ran to meet James.

" Why are you late?" James asked while he leaned against his Ferrri.
Throwing my bags into the car I covered my eye's from the sun " I had to go to do something, by the way whats up with all the questioning"
" What I cant wonder about my bestfriend" He smiled.
And that's why I love him so much- he was an amazing friend. " True, so today your house. Right?"
" Yup" He got into the car.
I followed him into the car, and fastened my seatbelt " Takeout, T.V, and Icecream"
" Yeah same, same routine" He blasted the radio.

I knew why James was blasting the radio, not to listen to the latest song but for me not to question about his house. Even though to everyone he may seem like he has everything just laid out for him he really doesn't, when me and James were 10 his father left, and that really hurt James I remember he would always be in his room and cry. That was untill he went into the "Gangsta" phase, eventually he faded from that and into the " Playa" phase. But one thing I loved about him was that even though his personal life is complete hell he will never let that interfer in our friendship.

" Were here" Announced James.
The Ryan's mansion starred back at me " Yay!"
" Come on" James got out of the car.
Leaving my backpack in the car I carried my purse and followed him inside a house I was familiar with- as if it was my own. Sliding his key in he opened the door, and we walked inside. Alfred, James's family's butler came out to greet us as always.
" Bonsuir, Miseour James, and Madamemossile Nicole" He said in his french accent.
I smiled " Hey Alfred"
" Sup?" Added James.
We looked at eachother and laughed, it was sorta our joke to mess around with Alfred. Since he's always so formal we be all weird with him, he's gotten used to it after five year's and laughs.
" Ice cream" Said James.
I knew our routine " T.v"
" Go!!" We said together.
Running toward the kitchen I grabbed the huge sundea icecream- their cook's make, spoon's and can's of soda. For a tiny girl I could carry so much, placing them all over the dinning table I sat on the couch by James.

" So Jersey Shore first, then whatever later right" James made sure.
Opening the lid I ate a spoonful of the icecream " Mhmm" I mummbled.
" Okay... ALFRED!! JERSEY SHORE TIME!!" Yelled James.
I laughed so hard I spit Ice cream out of my mouth. " Here your gonna need this" James laughed and handed me a napkin.
" Shank you" I wiped my mouth.
Alfred came into the room, grabbed a spoon, and dug into the ice cream " I love Jwow" He commented.
" Dont we all" Smirked James.
" Yup" We all ate our icecream and watched Jersey Shore.
It was cool that Alfred was like part of the family, James told me before- when his dad used to be around- that if Alfred is even caught laughing his Father would yell. Since he wanted to keep everything proffesional, and he treated him like a true butler. Unlike Lizzy, James mother who is so kind, beautiful and loves Alfred like a brother.
After the show ended I got up,I was so hyper- I had a sugar rush. So I blasted the radio to the song Like A G6 By; Far East Movement. James laughed at me, so I pulled him off the couch and danced around him. Still laughing at me he danced with me though, even Alfred grabbed a maid and danced with her. Lizzy usually joined us at times like this but she was probably at work.

" Ahm Ahm!!" Someone cleared their throat.
We all stopped and I turned around to look at a man in a black pant's suit starring at us.
" Dad!!?" James said.
No!! That was James dad- he's changed since the last time I saw him.
" James what is this rubbish, I see your mother has let the work underestimate their boundaries" He spoke in a british accent.
Yes his father was british, James didn't speak with a british accent though. " What do you want?" Asked James coldly.
" I came to speak to your mother" His dad answered.
Alfred and the maid ran out of the living room and left me alone with James, and his father. Plus of course the akward feeling.
" And who are you?" His father asked toward me.
" Im.. Im Nicole Taylor sir" Why in the god's name did I say Sir?
Cause he scare's you idiot. My mind yelled at me " Nicole? Leena and Micheal's daughter?"
" Yes" I answered.
" Well my, my you've grown into a beautiful young woman" He smiled at me.
James grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him " Mom is not home, come back in eight years"
" James you will not speak to your father like that!" Yelled His dad.
Picking up my bag I decided to leave, this was family problem's and I sure couldn't be involved.
" Nikki where are you going?" James stood infront of me.
" I gotta go, call me and tell me what happens" I kissed his cheek before I left the house.
As I ran out of the gates I remembered I didn't have a ride, that james was my ride. But I couldn't go back and ask him to drive me, not when his father was there. I shouldn't have left him to fend for himself, he couldn't. Oh god what did I do. The first thing that popped into my head was to call Lizzy and tell her that James father is there.

I dialed her number, she picked up her phone on the third ring " Nicole?"
" Yes Lizzy it's me, James is alone in the house with his dad"
" Jonathan is here?"
" Yes and I left, Im sorry I was scared."
" I'll be there in five minutes sweety, thank you for calling me"
" Your welcome, please make sure James is okay"
" I will honey, now I have to go."
" Okay Bye"
"  Bye"
Shutting the phone I felt a little better that Lizzy was going to help James, since my house was a couple block's away I walked home. Of course when I finally got home, mom and dad were still at work. So I walked right inside and went up to my room. But before I went upstair's I stuck a sticky note on the fridge. " Hey Mom and Dad, Im going to sleep. I already had dinner; so please dont wake me up. See you in the morning. Love you :)"

After I finished my homework, I got on the internet for a while, wrote a couple poems and plugged my headphone's on. At eleven I heard mom and dad come home, eat then go upstair's into their room to sleep. So I shut my eye's and thought about everything. A couple hour's later I was still lying in bed starring at my ceiling- man did I need to paint that- it was so ugly.
"Tap, Tap, Tap!" It was a noise.
Your probably imaginning it Nicole. I reassured my self.
"Tap, Tap, Tap" The noise was back.
Quietly listening I heard it coming from my window, getting off my bed I walked over to my window. Little stone's were getting thrown at it - but who?. Opening the window, cold air blew my hair back. When I looked down it was James half smiling at me.
" James what are you doing here?" I whispered.
" There fighting, I need a place to sleep" I could see his body outlined in the darkness.
We always used to do this when we were kids, his parent's fight= him sleeping in my room. Going through my closet I found the old rope ladder we used to use. Throwing it out my window I waited for James to get to the top of window when he did I helped him inside, pulling up the rope ladder I opened my lamp.

The side of his face was stinging red "James what happened to your face?."
" Nothing" He sat on my bed.
Sitting by him I worried " James tell me"
" Dad was yelling at mom, I thought he was going to hit her. I got involved and he slapped me saying I was being disrespectful" James looked at me.
His eye's were getting wattery, I hugged him " Im sorry James, Im so sorry"
" What did we ever do to him, He left us. Now he comes back and want's to show me respect. Mom doesn't deserve this" James cried into my shoulder.
Stroking his hair I hugged him closer " I know she doesnt, nor do you. It'll get better I promise you it will"
"  Nikki what could he possibly want from mom, he's already token everything" James looked up from my wet shoulder.
It felt like ten year old James, the one who used to crawl under the cover's and just cry his eye's out. The one who felt so helpless and isolated from everyone around him. It suddenly became harder for me to swallow, and I felt my heart at my throat.
" I dont know, I really dont. But just remember Im here for you, and my parent's are lawyer's trust me everything will get better" I kissed his forehead.
Wrapping his hands around my waist he layed his head into my neck while I layed my back against the headboard "You know I love you Nicole,"
" I love you too James, now try to sleep." I put my hand ontop of his and pulled the covers over us.
James nuzzled my neck- he was trying to fix his head. It sent tingle's down my spine, and gave me this weird feeling. Resting the side of my head onto his I shut my eye's and tried to sleep but then I opened my eyes. When I heard James breathing even I knew he was sleeping, my eye's became heavy so I shut them, a million different thought's filled my head before I finally was able to sleep.

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