Chapter One: Aspen

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Her eyes. The first thing I noticed were her eyes. They were jade green, almost the exact shade Kai's were- no. Stop thinking about Kai. Just get the job over with and move on. Don't make it any harder then it already has to be. I broke eye contact immediately, trying to focus on something else, anything else. I settled on her hair, dirty, tangled, and matted with blood. It was brown, I think, but it was too dark to tell in the unlit cells of the shadow filled prison, or as I would call it, the dungeon. My eyes returned to to the weapon in my calloused hands, noticing the glint of silver caused by the small patch of light peeking out of the nickel sized hole in the ceiling, and I rapidly looked away. I have to do it now, or they will suspect my reluctance was linked to treason. Turning the knife over in my hand, I took a step closer to the girl, making her flinch away and whimper softly. I yelled gruffly at her to get up, and she complied after a hard kick to the stomach. I took a deep breath and forced myself to look at her one more time, and her eyes frantically searched mine, pleading with me to spare her. I concentrated on the task at hand, trying not to let her see the torture in my eyes. Her chains rattled as I sprang forward, pinning her to the wall. Fast, I have to do it fast. I swung my arm back, ignoring her hoarse screams of mercy, and plunged the knife into her stomach, again and again, until her cries died out and she fell limp onto the floor, leaving me alone in the cell with blood on my shoes, and another murder on my conscience. I turned around and walked slowly out of the dungeon, my footsteps echoing as I left behind another piece of my soul in the cold company of nowhere.

Here is the first chapter, and if you hadn't noticed already, I'm going to write a little author's note at the end of each chapter. How did you like meeting Aspen? Scary right? Well I think you might find that he's more than just a scary figure, but don't worry, you'll be finding out his story soon enough. He took me a while to think up, and I hope he ends up being the person I thought he would be. I feel bad for not giving the girl a name, but she can be whoever you want her to be. I'm a little sad he killed her off, but it was her time to go. Actually, probably not, she wasn't very old. Maybe she would have lived a good life, had I let her survive. Mwwahahaha. Just a heads up, this won't be the last person to graphically die in this novel, so if that scene upset you then I would recommend you stop here. Happy Reading! ps: I'll try to update whenever I can :)

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