Chapter 1

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Dazai Osamu....The ex-youngest Port Mafia executive feared throughout all of Japan...was currently. Laying down on a roof enjoying the sight of the cloudy sky. Dazai always knew he was incapable of killing himself yet he still tried over and over and over again hoping that just maybe it would work for once. He tried different methods mixing up different poisons and gulping them down, drowning, and letting someone have an open shot to shoot him. Even shooting himself but of course the moment he went to pull the trigger the gun broke. Dazai Truthfully didn't know what 'it' was but it's been with him since he was born. Talking to him making him hear and see things other people couldn't. 'The angel in his ear' as he liked to call it. It never quite was quieted down, it was even talking at this very moment but over the years he's learnt to mostly ignore it.

As matter of fact, he originally came up on the roof to jump off but of course yet again he was interrupted as the young boy standing 10 feet away from him stared down at him with a pleasant smile on his face. Dazai was trying his best to ignore the young lad, it wasnt very pleasant talking to someone who just interrupted your dear suicide. So instead of talking to the boy instead he simply began lying down on the ground enjoying the cloudy rainy sky looking as if it could eat him up. He loved the feeling.

"Dazai Osamu!", the boy exclaimed, still there smiling, not taking the hint. Dazai was pulled away from his sky gazing shocked that the young boy who looked to be no older than 10 knew his name. "Oh, did I finally get your attention!", the boy smiled as Dazai slowly sat up and stared at him. Dazai was sure he didn't know the boy yet...he felt a strange sense of...familiarity with the boy.

Before Dazai could even begin to ask the boy how exactly he knew him the boy continued talking. "I am here for a reason, I wasn't just wandering around.", the boy said, still smiling. As a matter of fact the boy looked so happy he looked as if he just won a million dollars. "Dazai....I have a proposition for you. One that I think you would quite like..."

"Kunikida-san...",Atsushi said as Kunikida sat at his desk looking through requests for the detective agency's assistance.

"Yes Atsushi...", Kunikida said absentmindedly.

"Well....Have you heard from Dazai. I haven't seen him in the past three days.", Atushi said , obviously worried.

At that Kunikida put his papers down on the table to look at Atsushi. "Atsushi, don't worry Dazai does this all the time, I'm sure he'll be back soon.", Kunikida sighed. As much as he wanted to get on with the schedule he knew how much the kid cared for Dazai and felt kind of bad. "He honestly has done this all the time before you came to the agency."

"You don't think he actually killed himself do you?"atsushi said, looking down.

Kunikida sighed again he was gonna kill that suicidal maniac next time he saw him for making the kid worry so much. "Look, Dazai has been trying to kill himself for years and hasn't succeeded yet. I'm telling you that man is incapable of dying.", Kunikida said half seriously. He looked up at Atsushi again to see the kid, though still worried, looked a lot more calm.

"Yeah you're right!"Atsushi smiled. "I'm sure Dazai-san is just fine...." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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