The Birth of a God

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"What exactly does this machine do, Professor?"

"Am I going to have to explain again, sergeant? There are infinite universes, in at least one of them, whatever fictional character and their universe exists, with this machine, we could access that universe."

"That's impossible."

"Oh is it? Name one fictional character."

"Okay, Harry Potter."

"Alright, now watch and learn.", the machine began to whir, it shot out a beam that began to turn into a portal, expanding. When it stopped, the portal became transparent but instead of the laboratory, through the portal they could see a child with a lightning birthmark on his forehead.

"Professor, is this real?"

"Sure is, how about another one?"

"Alright, The Cat In The Hat."

"Simple", again, the machine began to whir and shoot out a portal, when the professor and sergeant looked through the portal this time they saw a realistic humanoid cat, balancing on a ball carrying a mass of objects and bloating.

"Not that one! Close the portal!", the professor ran to the machine, closing the portal, right before it finished closing, a large gust of wind and debris came flying through what remained.

"I meant the book one, Sanders."

"I can see that now. After all, why would want to see THAT version of the cat?"

"Just tell me what you plan on using this for."

"A weapon."

"That's insane! We can't just take a machine we don't even know how to operate from some universe we don't understand!"

"That's the thing, Stan, can I call you stan?"

"Sure, I don't care."

"Thanks, but that's the thing, it's not a machine."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been studying. In the three of the most powerful fictional worlds, there are three, very humanoid, and very powerful species."

"What do you mean 'humanoid'?"

"They're aliens, but they appear human, and even better, their DNA is compatible with human DNA."

"What you're suggesting is that we create a multiversal hybrid?"

"Exactly, mix the DNA of these species with human DNA such as ours and we will be unstoppable."

"But it will be mindless."

"Unless we raise it as one of our own, as another human."

"This could work, but I don't know what to say, how do you know this won't just blow up in our faces?"

"I have a fail-safe."

"Let's hope this works."

Years later, the beginning steps were complete, laying there were countless Vials of blood, separated into four different categories, 'Human', 'Saiyan', 'Viltrumite', and 'Kryptonian'. The Saiyan category had the most, each vial labeled differently, 'Vegeta', 'Kakarot', 'Broly', 'Tarble', and finally two vials filled with a different colored blood, labeled 'Zamasu (Black)' and 'Merged Zamasu'. In the Viltrumite section, there was a single vial labeled 'Nolan Grayson'. In the Kryptonian section there were three vials, labeled 'Kara Zor-El', 'Zod-El', and 'Kal-El'. The professor took an empty syringe and stabbed himself with it, extracting some of his own DNA, he placed into a vial, labeled it 'Me' and put it into the fourth category along with another vial labeled 'Amanda Sanders'.

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