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Jezzabelle's POV

When I got the call from one of my house maids being scared for her life because of Brad having an anger tantrum at home, I knew I had to go back as quick as I could.

Many people outside of Brad's family didn't know that even though me and Brad had a great relationship, we also had a bunch of secrets inside our relationship that wasn't as great as people would think if they found out.

One of the biggest secret in our relationship was brought up the first time I met Brad, when I went to the school nurses office for an excuse note for PE.

Yes, my lazy ass did not want to exercise and sweat during those times. Anyways, I went to the nurses office for an excuse note from her so I could get out of running the 20 minute mile bullshit.

But I was shocked to find a bloody bruised blonde cute guy in there waiting in the office for the nurse to get more bandages to patch him up.

It was awkward but at the same time cute to see a bloody knuckled guy with a heart racing smile apologize for taking up the nurses time with his drama.

It was the first time I've seen the guy so I did what normal people that were bored and waiting for the school nurse would do, I sat beside him and talked to him as if we had been the best of friends.

We chatted while the nurse was away and he explained to me the reason why he wasn't seen around school as much as he'd like. He told me about how he would spend a lot of his school time in the nurses office or at home due to his uncontrollable medical condition.

He explained to me that he suffered from a medical condition that his parents had payed off for the school to cover up most of his absences and missing school work.

Seeing a cute handsome guy with bruises and cuts all over his hands and face was enough to pique my interest, but a guy that suffered from a medical condition that causes him to have sudden outbursts and lose control of his body by episodes of anger.

I didn't understand how a medical condition could make a person turn so angry to that extent but after seeing it with my own eyes after we started dating and he lashed out on one of the football players in our school that groped me in the school hallway, I realized his medical issue was much worse than I thought.

It was like he was a completely different person, to me he would show a passionate and caring side but when he relapsed it seemed as if there was nothing that could stop him from lashing out.

What made it more confusing was the fact that his rich parents tried everything they could to stop him from his own temper. He went through so many doctors, psychologists and anger management classes until they decided it was best for him to stay on medications that he had to take every morning so he wouldn't relapse over and over like how he would as a child.

And being the supportive girlfriend I was, I stayed by his side through every doctors appointment and anger classes he had to take, just to make sure the guy I fell in love with in that nurses office stayed the same way I found him.

I just don't get why he was relapsing now, and especially at a time while I was in another country with another man.

"Miss Rose! Thank god!" The maid shouts in relief as soon as I ran through the bedroom doors.

"We tried to get him to take his pills but he's not listening to any of us" She rambles on as I watched four of our security team members trying to keep Brad on our bed but he was thrashing harshly in their arms.

"It's okay guys, you can let him go" I say gesturing them to release him but they stared back in disbelief.

"He won't hurt me, just let him go" I add on as they hesitated before letting him go slowly.

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