Snowed In For Christmas

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I slowly drum my fingertips across the windowsill, letting them smooth themselves across the hardwood edges. My fidgeting is an absent-minded distraction from where my true focus is locked on, the great outdoors on the other side of this glass. The magical snowy evening it has created.

Earlier this morning the ground was as ordinary as anything. The tall, sticky trees towering over my small flat, the last of their Autumn leaves drifting down to meet the lush green grass. It had clearly been raining the night before, for all the nature surrounding my house is brushed with raindrops, but that was about it. Everything else was normal. But now, magic has been created. A little after lunch, delicate snowflakes began falling down from the sky, inching their way down to meet the ground. There were only a few flecks at first, and I had wondered if that would be all. If the uneven ground outside my house would simply be painted with a few pretty snowflakes, and that would be all the interesting weather I would see for a while. But my thoughts were wrong, you see. As the hours in the day slowly passed, I wandered by the window on the ground floor sporadically in between work and other things I had to do, and as I observed my front yard I found that there was more and more of the white blanket building up with each check-in I did. It really was fascinating, for I don't get a lot of action around where I live. So this pretty new weather was something that excited me.

Or at least, it was exciting me for a while. Now that it's exactly six thirty four in the evening, a new relaxing tone has taken over the outdoor scene. The setting sun is casting a comforting glow over the icy hills of snow, and the little droplets of water leaking from the hills, and the dusted snowflakes that sit atop them are more visible. Everything is more visual, and perhaps it is just the fact that it is also evening now, I don't know, either way it's really very calming. I like it a lot.

I do wish I had someone to enjoy this with.

You see, I live completely alone. And by completely alone I mean COMPLETELY alone. I don't even have neighbours, it's just me, in the middle of nowhere. And now that I think about it, not to say that I haven't already thought about it before, to be honest, my house doesn't have friends either. It's always been hard for me to make friends, for some reason. I'm not sure why, I can never put my finger on it. Is it me? Is it them? Is it something I said? I never know. My house doesn't have family either. They all live in a completely different state, and we never have contact. Occasionally I'll get a call from my sister, but judging from her always bored tone of voice I'm convinced she's only picked up the phone because Mom told her to. My house doesn't have pets, I'm too busy with college to give enough fair attention to one. And I definitely don't have a relationship, no one has ever taken an interest in me, and to be honest I've never found an interest in anyone either. So at the moment, I really have no one. The most verbal contact I really have with people is my boss after work and maybe my local cashier, but that's pretty much it.

I usually shrug it off, but it's evenings and nights like these where I dream of having a partner. Someone to hold and love while we light a fire, and make hot chocolate, and talk and watch a movie and then go to sleep together in a warm cosy bed, shielded from the icy cold air that stings our skin under a nice warm blanket. It sounds so romantic, so appealing.

But I know it will likely never happen, so who really cares?

I'm draw my attention away from these thoughts when the finger I've been tracing back and forth on the windowsill painfully hits a chipped piece of paint, and a few flakes of dust get caught underneath my purple painted nail. I brush them away and sigh to myself.

"Well, if I can't have a nice evening with someone else, I suppose I'll just have to have some fun by myself, then? I mean, who said a single girl can't enjoy a cup of hot chocolate?" I say, talking to no one in particular.

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