Part 13

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Puss had spent a while kicking walls and pulling out his fur and banging his head on the moist stone walls. How could he let this happen? How could he have met his guard so much? He growled at himself. He didn't have time to do this to himself. He heard Rándal Toothclaw, someone was going to die. To him, both preferably. He couldn't let someone he loved so much be murdered for something in the past. He couldn't beat himself up so much over something like this. He was Puss in Boots! He could do it. He believed so, especially with Juan Paul David's life on the line.
He spent a couple hours sneaking around the base, making a mental map of the area. He also tried to remember anything Rándal Toothclaw has said previously or what anyone had said.
He assumed Rándal Toothclaw had a room or office somewhere. Thinking best he could, he assumed they could be keeping Juan Paul David there. He just needed to figure out where that would be. He thought about all the halls and areas and everywhere he has been in the place. That's when he remembered when he was first taken into the base. One hall went to the area where he was. The other hall.. he had no clue. He assumed that would be the best bet.
He was right about there being more down that hall. But there were many rooms. He knew time was his enemy and every second he wasn't getting closer to finding Juan Paul David was another second he was in danger. He tried to imagine what to look for. Obviously he was going to look for something big and grand fit for a leader like Rándal Toothclaw.
At the end of the long carpeted hallway, there was a painting of Rándal Toothclaw. A dead end. He grumbled to himself. There had to be something that he missed. He looked around the area. Surely there would be a secret something somewhere. Maybe a directory map for new people or an arrow pointing exactly where to go. All there was around however was a vase with a plant. He picked it up and threw it at the painting right into Rándal Toothclaws ugly face! The panting broke and an area behind it was revealed. Puss's eyes widened. Obviously he walked inside it. It was a small room with nothing but a silver key hanging on a hook. He took it and went out of the small area. Now he just needed to figure out what the key goes to. He thought for a moment. It was then when a brilliant idea hit him to just stick it in random lock holes. So he did.
It worked.
One of the doors opened to reveal stairs. He went up them quietly with the door closed behind him. They went up and were lit by torches in crevices in the walls. It took a while but he made it to the top. There was a big chair on a raised area and a desk. A giant window let in light. Puss looked out the window to see the canyon he and Juan Paul David were just in a few hours ago. Odd that neither of them had noticed such a window. How are these people not being found?
There was a door by the desk and chair which Puss thought would be a good place to look. He leaned in the door to make sure he didn't hear anybody inside. It was quiet. He took a breath and held his sword he had collected earlier just in case and turned the knob of the door.
There was a surprised squeak which turned out to be Juan Paul David. Tears started to fall from his eyes and Puss could see that a bit of his ear was ripped and bleeding. Puss ran up to him. He was in a cage that was open but he couldn't get out as he was tied to one of the top of the bars and could only stay in place. Puss took the cloth from Juan Paul David's mouth and he began to sob and cry more. "Puss please, I want to leave- you have to leave, get out of here." He sobbed as Puss started to untie Juan Paul David's paws. One paw was covered in blood and Puss could see it was cut and almost burned looking like from a rope possibly. Puss used the cloth to wrap the damaged paw.
"Puss he's coming back soon please I can't watch you die!"
"I do not plan to leave without you. You are the other piece to my life I did not know I needed until you were gone." Said Puss, pushing away Juan Paul David's tears. Juan Paul David sniffed and held Puss's hands. "I want to go with you." He said.
"Then let us get out of here." Said Puss.
"We can't until we kill Toothclaw!" Juan Paul David protested. "I can't anyways. Something's not right. My head keeps hurting and I can't process things right or remember certain things or they feel changed or just off and different." Puss finished untying Juan Paul David as he said all these things. "Maybe you are tired or in shock."
"No no it's different." Said Juan Paul David. "Toothclaw broke my brain."
"I know, but do not worry. I will break his brain back!" Puss jumped up with his sword.
"He's going to come back." Juan Paul David said.
"I know." Said Puss. He pulled Juan Paul David close and embraced into a hug. They were in Rándal Toothclaws bedroom so Puss pulled a blanket from a chair and wrapped Juan Paul David up in it. "We can just leave. I did not mean to drag you into this." Said Puss.
"I didn't mean to make you do all this." Said Juan Paul David into Puss's chest as he held on tightly to his lover. Suddenly the door burst open and Rándal Toothclaw thundered into the room.

Puss In Boots x Juan Paul David De San Diego López Ricardo San RamírezWhere stories live. Discover now