Chapter 1

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1 day after the Prologue (3 days before episode 1 of the anime)

Drake has been in the city for 1 day and he has gathered enough information by using telepathy to read minds of the people he encounters.

Through his telepathy, he learned that he is in the country of Japan. He also learned that the supernatural exist in this universe. He felt the supernatural energy in this world rather powerful. And yesterday's encounter with a fallen Angel made him believe that Gods aren't the only being in this world. But Devils and Angels and other monsters as well

Drake Is currently exploring the city at night.

Drake: This place is exactly the same as the Japan I know. I wonder if this universe has their own version Amatsu-Mikaboshi.

Drake Then walked in a dark alley. He then noticed there are 5 robe wearing people coming out of the shadows and following him

As he got deeper in the alley, 5 more robed people then cut his walk by blocking his way.

Drake thoughts: Heh. Fallen Angels and a group of Rouge Exorcist.

Drake Then looked around and counted about 10 surrounding him

Drake: How can I help you mysteriously robed gentlemen?

Robed Guy 1: Looks like we got a good man, here guys.

Drake: Please, I'm only in my teen years. So can I help you fine gentlemen with something?

Robed Guy 2: There is one thing you can help us with.

Drake: And that is?

Robed 1: Die for us!!

The first robed guy yelled then pulled out what seems like a giant toothpick made of light. 4 other also did the same and stabbed Drake

The 10 guys in robes didn't know but Drake read their minds and knows why they are after him

Drake Thoughts: hmmm, so these guys were sent by that guy I bump yesterday.

The 5 guys with the toothpicks then took off their robes and revealed that they are indeed fallen angels

Rogue Exorcist 1 : Well that was easy.

Fallen Angel 3 : Why did Dohnasek even told us to kill this guy? He barely put up a fight.

Fallen Angel 5 : He only told us, when he bumped into this kid yesterday he sensed a powerful energy in him.

Fallen Angel 4: Yeah. And the weird thing was. He didn't sense the kid's magical energy when they were walking towards each other. Only when they bumped.

Rogue Exorcist 2: Also, he doesn't know if this kid knows the supernatural or not. I guess he just wants to make sure that no one will interfere with our plans either they know of the supernatural or not.

Drake: oh, so thats why you attacked little ol me~

Drake Said in a playful tone

Fallen Angel 1: What the?!

Rogue Exorcist 1: The hell?!

Fallen Angel 2: How in the hell?!

Before the others could say anything
They were all grab by 10 purple tendrils

Drake: You idiots got my shirt dirty.

He said looking at his shirt

Drake: And filled it with 5 holes.

He just sighs and looked backed to the Group

Drake: So. Which of you wanna tell me what your boss is planning? How bout you.

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